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Choice of profession is a long process that begins in early childhood and usually lasts for the whole life. That’s why it is so important to build a solid vocational guidance school system that will help students to make weighted decisions about their professional future. This system should perform the following functions: engage students in active selfawareness and self-esteem; change student’s self-appraisal if it’s different from his/her actual capabilities (too high or too low); help students to deepen their knowledge about professions that are interesting to them; teach students to compare their state of health with the demands of a chosen profession; acquaint them with the structure of education; collaborate with their parents. The result of its work is prepared, motivated, active and enterprising young people who know how to take initiative in finding job; adapt acquired professional skills to the needs of the labor market; acquire new skills in difficult situations such as unemployment, new working environment, retraining; be free moving in the new realities of free-market economy; use the art of self-presentation; prepare application documents; use computer and serf on the web. So, the successful choice of future professional life depends on the decision of a gymnasium graduate about his/her further direction of education. And the factor of this successful choice is the knowledge obtained by pupils about themselves, the world of professions, directions of further study in the conditions of lifelong learning program.
A legal education program, as a general rule, is implemented in the educational systems of all European countries analysed in this article. Most often, however, as it is in Poland, it is not a separate school course, but legal topics are integrated with various school subjects. If a separate school subject called “Legal education” appears in school curricula, it is most often taught in general education schools as an optional course or in vocational and technical secondary schools - as a course supplementing the knowledge of the future graduate about the legal aspects of the profession taught.
Autor artykułu przybliża czytelnikowi założenia zajęć z przedmiotu Werken w niemieckojęzycznym szwajcarskim Kantonie Zurych. Wcześniej dokonał krótkiej charakterystyki obowiązującego w nim systemu szkolnego. W części końcowej zwrócił uwagę na działania w zakresie orientacji zawodowej uczniów.
The author of the article brings the reader closer to the purposes of the school subject Werken in the German speaking Swiss canton Zurich. Earlier, he outlines briefly some of the features of its scholar system. In the final part, he draws attention to some operations aimed at the career orientation of the students.
Autor artykułu przedstawia wybrane aspekty edukacji ogólnotechnicznej w Księstwie Liechtenstein. Czyni to po wcześniejszym zarysowaniu systemu kształcenia ogólnego. PrzybliŜa czytelnikowi funkcje i zadania poszczególnych typów szkół.
The author of the article describes some of the general technical education’s problems In the Principality of Liechtenstein. Earlier on he outlines the educational system and explains to the reader what duties and tasks each kind of schools is supposed to complete.
W pierwszej części artykułu autor charakteryzuje system szkolny społeczności niemieckojęzycznej w Belgii. Następnie krótko charakteryzuje wybrane cele i przewidziane efekty nauczania techniki w dwóch rodzajach szkół ogólnokształcących.
In the first part of the article, the author characterizes the educational system of German-speaking community in Belgium. Then, he shortly outlines chosen goals and forecast results of teaching technology in two types of comprehensive schools.
W pierwszej części artykułu autor charakteryzuje system szkolny w Północnej Nadrenii-Westfalii. Następnie krótko charakteryzuje wybrane aspekty edukacji ogólnotechnicznej. Ukazuje jej cele i zadania w poszczególnych rodzajach szkół ogólnokształcących.
In the first part of the article the author characterizes the educational system of the North Rhine-Westphalia. Afterwards, he shortly characterizes chosen aspects of the general technical education. He shows its aims and duties in various types of vocational schools.
Aim: To present the concept of integrated education and its evolution throughout history, including the Polish pedagogical thought of modern times. Methods: a descriptive and explanatory method. Results: Knowledge of the pedagogical thought shaped over the centuries allows us to go deeper into the subject, show the genesis and stages of the development of integrated education, and respond to reflective discourse on this not often raised topic in a critical manner. Conclusions: The analysis of historical features, familiarisation with the views and creative inspirations of outstanding thinkers allows to draw many original ideas from their pedagogical systems, which might be applied in the didactic and educational work of a teacher with children in grades 1–3 at primary school.
Aim. The aim of the research is to determine what role management and schools play in the organisation of students” free time, and what activities it undertakes to educate for leisure time. Methods. This study used methods of theoretical analysis, survey research methods, and questionnaires, in which 1410 subjects such as principals, teachers, parents and students from 150 primary schools in Bosnia and Herzegowina (B&H) participated. Results. The results show that principals and teachers have positive attitudes about the rational use of students’ free time in order to prepare them  for continuing self-education with the use of various sources of knowledge. Conclusion. Conclusions show that for a better understanding of the role of school management it is necessary to do more research about this issue on the territory of B&H, because the proper organisation and implementation of students’ free time can be successful if all participants in education work together. Research restrictions. Since it is not possible to make comparison with results of the previous research on this topic on the territory of B&H,  the study compares results with results from other countries. Practical application. The practical goal is to examine the education and to increase the understanding and awareness of the free time of young people. Originality. This study is original and creative, and it contributes to better understanding of the role of management in leisure activities on students’ emotional, social, cognitive and work competencies.
Aim. The aim of the paper was to point out that the hierarchy of values is considered the most reliable prognostic sign that expresses whether a person can behave in accordance with his environment. The author identifies the causes of the current crisis of value orientations, discusses the influence of family and school on the creation and transformation of values in the lives of young people. Methods. Through analytical-synthetic and inductive methods, the author identifies the influence of consumer society and family on the creation of value systems of children and youth. It points to the pedagogy of free time and its connection to the theories and functions of free time. Results. The author provides a summary of theoretical meanings, summaries and theories in the field of value orientation of children and youth, discovered factors that influence the development and formation of value orientation, discovered the share of family, peers and free time in the creation of a value ranking. Conclusions. Any changes in society brought a wider spectrum of information, freedom of speech, opportunities for social mobility and education, but also deepening of social inequality, deterioration of interpersonal relations, moral relativism and value chaos. Current problems of society's development and their solution also affect the way of life of young people, the process of its quantitative changes, including attitudes to life and value orientation.
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Výchova a vzdelávanie v Slovenskej Republike

The aim of the paper is to present the current state of education in the Slovak Republic. There is a new law on education in Slovakia, which came into force on September 2008 and brought several changes. The most significant change is a creation of national and school educational programs, by which new curriculum content is defined.
Artykuł przybliża przekazywanie treści związanych z edukacją kulturową dzieci i młodzieży na różnych poziomach nauczania w myśl obowiązującej Podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego oraz kształcenia ogólnego w szkołach podstawowych, gimnazjach i liceach. Podkreśla możliwości międzyprzedmiotowych ścieżek nauczania dzieci i młodzieży przy współpracy z instytucjami typu muzeum, które dzięki ofertom edukacyjnym zgodnym z podstawą programową mogą nie tylko uzupełniać i wzbogacać programy nauczania, ale również realizować ich podstawowe założenia. Autorka analizuje podstawę programową wybranych przedmiotów nauczania w kontekście kształcenia kulturowego, wskazuje również możliwości wytypowanych metod dydaktycznych w zakresie pozyskiwania wiedzy przez uczniów z wykorzystaniem oferty edukacyjnej muzeum.
The following article focuses on the transfer of contents connected with cultural education of children and youth at various stages of schooling according to the applicable Curriculum of Preschool Education and Common Education in Primary and Secondary Schools. It emphasizes the possibilities of cross-track teaching of children and adolescents with cooperation with museum-like institutions, which due to their educational offers consistent with the curriculum basis can not only supplement and enrich teaching curriculums, but as well realize their basic assumptions. The author of the article analyses the teaching curriculum of selected subjects in the context of cultural education, she also indicates the opportunities of the selected didactical methods in the scope of the process of acquiring knowledge by students with the use of a educational offer of a museum.
At their beginnings, Jesuits had a huge impact on the Catholic Church in Poland. They introduced the Council of Trent reform and stopped the spread of Protestanism. Amongst them, there were many mystics, great theologians, missionaries, saints and priests. One of them was Father Kasper Druzbicki, theologian, ascetic writer, preacher and administrator. One of his many theological works is a treaty about the shortest way to Christian perfection, which is God’s will fulfillment. The book is not just designed for those in consecrated life, but also in secular life who strive toward holiness.
The Government of Hungary’s view of the transformed economic and political situation in the new country can be vividly presented through the main features of Hungary’s cultural and educational policy in the 1920s. The government tried to find a way out of the national shock caused by the Treaty of Trianon by focusing on and promoting the quality and quantity of education, culture, and training, although revenge was still at the front of their minds. This bipolar process of swing ‑ ing between past and future was led by Klebelsberg, who, as Minister of Education, headed the Ministry of Religion and Education from June 16, 1922, to August 14, 1931. Through his work and speeches, we can learn much about the spirit of the time, the main currents in politics and humanities, people’s thoughts about the Treaty of Trianon, and the ways it was dealt with – and it should also be emphasized that his work and the spirit of the time can still be felt today. Our most important research method is the processing of historical sources and, of course, the use of relevant specialist literature.
Autor artykułu przedstawia zarys kształcenia ogólnego i ogólnotechnicznego w systemie szkolnym kantonu Fryburg. W pierwszej części dokonuje krótkiej charakterystyki struktury systemu szkolnego, w drugiej przybliża czytelnikowi wybrane wątki związane z edukacją ogólnotechniczną.
The author of the article outlines the general and general technical education in the school system of the above mentioned canton. In the first part, he briefly describes the structure of the school system. In the second part, he brings the leader closer to selected threads related to general technical education.
Autor artykułu dokonuje zwięzłego omówienia zmian zachodzących w austriackim systemie szkolnym. W pierwszej jego części przedstawia krótki rys historyczny tego systemu. W drugiej części przybliża Czytelnikowi wybrane wątki zmian będących wynikiem reformy szkolnej.
The author of the article elaborates on the changes that take place in the Austrian school system. In the first part he presents a historical overview of the system. In the second part he brings the reader closer to some of the changes resulting from the school reform.
Artykuł zawiera opis reform i zmian w systemie edukacji od lat 80. XX w. do 2017 r. Opisuję w nim reformy w systemie związane z przemianami społecznymi po 1980 r., które trwały niespełna 20 lat. Również podejmuję się przedstawienia planu zmian w szkolnictwie, które weszły w życie we wrześniu 2017 r., a głównie dotyczyły struktury szkolnictwa podstawowego.
The article contains a description of reforms and changes in the education system from the 1980s to 2017. I describe in it system reforms related to social changes after 1980, which lasted less than 20 years. I am also undertaking a presentation of a plan of changes in education that came into force in September 2017, and their main assumption was changes in the structure of primary education.
The study presents the results of empirical research, which focused on finding the real state of technical education in primary schools in Slovakia, which were caused by the ongoing educational reforms.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań empirycznych, które koncentrowały się na określeniu rzeczywistego stanu edukacji technicznej w szkołach podstawowych na Słowacji po wprowadzeniu zmian przez trwającą reformę systemu edukacji.
Na początku artykułu przedstawiono zwięzłą charakterystykę kantonu. Następnie autor dokonał krótkiego opisu funkcjonującego w tym kantonie systemu szkolnego. W trzeciej części opracowania przybliża czytelnikowi wybrane aspekty edukacji ogólnotechnicznej realizowane głównie przez przedmiot Textiles und Technisches Gestalten. Słowa
The article starts with a concise representation of the canton. Then, the authors hortly describes its schooling system. The third part focuses on chosen aspects of general education covered mostly on „textile and technical design” clas
Rozważania na temat edukacji ubezpieczeniowej w Polsce na poziomie szkoły ponadgimnazjalnej należy rozpocząć od określenia elementów i cech dobrej edukacji. Nie jest to łatwe zadanie, gdyż rozległość pojęć związanych z edukacją i czynników na nią wpływających jest tak duża, że zaistnienie ich wszystkich w jednym czasie jest właściwie niemożliwe. Nie oznacza to jednak, że nie należy dążyć do ideału. Polski system oświaty ma wiele cech dobrej edukacji, choć nie jest wolny od zaniedbań i błędów. Tematem tego opracowania jest miejsce edukacji ubezpieczeniowej wśród treści nauczania wskazanych w podstawie programowej kształcenia ogólnego i kształcenia w zawodach. Autorka wskazała oczekiwane efekty w procesie kształcenia, które obejmują wiedzę, umiejętności i postawy uczniów. Opisała również, w jaki sposób w edukację młodzieży w zakresie ubezpieczeń włączają się różne instytucje publiczne i prywatne. Autorka omówiła przykłady takich przedsięwzięć, ich formy, cele oraz zakres.
Beginning reflection on insurance education in Poland at post-secondary school we have to specify the elements and characteristics of good education. This is not an easy task because the extent of concepts related to education and factors aff ecting it is so large that the existence of all of them at one time is almost impossible. This does not mean that we should not strive towards the ideal. Polish education system has many features of good education, however it is not free from negligence and errors. The issue raised in this paper is the place of insurance education among content indicated to be implemented by teachers in the curriculum of comprehensive and vocational education. The author has analyzed the definition of education policy and pointed out the expected results in the process of education including knowledge, skills and attitude of learners. She also described, how the public and private institutions are involved in the insurance education. In this article there are examples of such projects, their forms, objectives and scope.
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