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Sexual coercion affects approximately 58% of college-age females. Victims of sexual coercion often share similar characteristics, such as lower self-esteem, lower assertiveness, higher depressive symptoms, higher alcohol use, increased number of sexual partners, more romantic relationships, prior victimization, and relationship insecurity. Female athletes, on the other hand, have in common such protective factors as higher self-esteem, higher assertiveness, lower alcohol use, and fewer sexual partners. These, then, are assumed to guard against sexual coercion. The purpose of this study was to determine if female athletes were at a lower risk for sexual coercion and whether differences existed in levels of assertiveness, sexual assertiveness, self-esteem, sexual esteem, alcohol use, and the number of sexual partners. Participants included 174 college females (aged 19.94 ± 1.87 years). Participants were identified as an athlete if they reported a history of at least three years of athl iation etic involvement and described themselves as either a high school athlete or having participated in competitive sports (n=125). From among all the participants, 49 were classified as non-athletes. Data demonstrated no differences in either forced or coerced sexual contact history. Athletes and nonathletes differed neither in global nor sexual self-esteem, nor did they differ in global or sexual assertiveness. There was a significant difference across the groups in alcohol use: athletes scored higher on the AUDIT than non-athletes. The number of years of sport involvement positively correlated with the level of alcohol use. Athletes and non-athletes reported similar numbers of sexual partners. The findings of this study imply that athletics may indirectly place females at risk for sexual coercion through an assocwith higher alcohol use.
Background. Marital adjustment is an evolutionary process between a husband and wife that is created, strengthened or weakened in life. Mental health and healthy and pleasant sexual functioning seem to be important in promoting it. Objectives. The aim of this study was to determine any correlations of marital adaptation with stress, anxiety, depression or sexual function and its components. Material and methods. This cross-sectional study was done on 514 women of reproductive age who were referred to health centers in Shiraz and were chosen by random sampling. The Spinner marital adaptation questionnaire, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (Dass-21) were the study tools. The statistical tests applied for data analysis were the t-test, Fisher’s, chi-squared and Pearson’s coefficient correlation. Results. Marital conflict was reported in 54.7% of women. The average score of sexual function was significantly less in maladaptive patients than in adaptive ones (22.32 ± 7.05 versus 26.53 ± 5.01). There was a significant link between marital adaption and components of sexual function (p < 0.05). The mean scores of stress, anxiety and depression in the maladaptive group were 9.14 ± 4.74, 6.60 ± 4.56 and 7.75 ± 4.79 versus 6.53 ± 4.62, 4.48 ± 3.93 and 4.06 ± 4.21, respectively, which was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Conclusions. As to data analysis, sexual function, stress, anxiety and depression affect marital adaptation. Therefore, providing the necessary relevant education can improve the family health, couples intimacy and marital satisfaction.
The intention of this paper is to examine the scientific studies that assess needs and support people with intellectual disabilities, regarding their sexual health. In connection with the theme of the author analyzes the selected folders risk sexual behavior with a focus on people with intellectual disabilities and specific group, which in this respect are Roma with intellectual disabilities. Attention to the particular issue of early sexual life, promiscuity and consequences of unsafe sexual behavior, such as the unplanned / unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. In the end of the article represent a praxeological methodological recommendations in the context of health.
Celem artykułu było zaprezentowanie wyników badań dotyczących dwóch najbardziej niebezpiecznych kategorii zabójców: morderców seryjnych i seksualnych. Poczynione ustalenia dotyczyły perspektywy diagnostycznej, kryminologicznej i warunków w jakich przebiegał ich rozwój. W badaniach skoncentrowano się na: ustaleniu relacji z rodzicami, wydarzeniach traumatycznych jakich doświadczyli badani, ustaleniu profilu osobowości badanych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem cech sadystycznych oraz poziomu agresji, określeniu charakteru relacji z kobietami oraz ustaleniu przebiegu kariery dewiacyjnej. Poczynione ustalenia pozwoliły na wyodrębnienie pewnych cech różnicujących obie brane pod uwagę grupy. Przede wszystkim stwierdzono różnice w zakresie występowania symptomów osobowości sadystycznej, osobowości psychopatycznej, problemu odrzucenia emocjonalnego w dzieciństwie, wcześniejszych gwałtów, występowania zróżnicowanych przejawów parafilii czy występujących wcześniej sygnałów świadczących o rozwijających się sadystycznych skłonnościach (np. Triada McDonalda). Diagnozy psychologiczne dokonane przez biegłych wykazały, że zabójcy seksualni wykazują lepsze przystosowanie w zakresie seksualności oraz niższy poziom agresji (ustalony przy wykorzystaniu SABD). Natomiast zabójcy seryjni wykazują znacząco wyższy poziom zaburzeń psychopatycznych. Analiza przebiegu kariery dewiacyjnej wykazała, że zdecydowanie więcej jej symptomów ujawniali zabójcy seksualni, którzy częściej dokonywali czynów przestępczych z użyciem przemocy lub przestępstw nieagresywnych. W drugiej części opracowania przedstawiono propozycję dwóch programów oddziaływań resocjalizacyjnych wobec przebywających w warunkach izolacji więziennej sprawców zabójstw seryjnych i seksualnych.
The aim of this study was to investigate which diagnostics, developmental, and criminal characteristics differentiate sexual murders from serial murders. Especially investigations included relationship with parents, traumatic situations, main features of personality, sexual sadism and aggression, relationship with women and antisocial histories. There were different factors that discriminated between the two groups of murders: sadistic personality disorder, psychopathic personality disorder, isolation in childhood, multiple sexual homicide, previous rape, paraphilies, previous tendencies for similar behavior. On the psychological inventories, the sexual murders portrayed themselves as functioning better in the areas of sexuality and aggression (SABD) but serial murders are significantly more psychopathic and sadistic than sexual murders. On the antisocial history the sexual murders had been charged or convicted of more violent and nonviolent offenses. The most of sexual murders were diagnosed as suffering from antisocial personality disorder, paraphilias, psychosis, substance abuse. In the second part of article was presented proposition of treatment program for incarcerated sexual and serial murders.
В статье представлен анализ трансформации нравственного сознания в белорусской и русской литературе рубежа XX–XXI веков, в частности, рассматривается проблема дегуманизации моральных ценностей, деструктивной сексуальности и аморального поведения, разрушительных тенденций, противопоставленных традиционным этическим принципам.
The article presents an analysis of the transformation of moral consciousness in Russian and Belorussian literature at the turn of the 21st century. In particular, the problems of dehumanization of moral values, destructive sexualities, immoral behavior and destructive tendencies opposed to the traditional ethical principles are examined.
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