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In the article the necessity of social support for underage mothers is revealed. The causes of early motherhood include: the processes of acceleration; the liberalization of attitudes in society; effects on behavior of youth media; stability of gender stereotypes; sexual, physical and mental abuse; dysfunctional relationships of adolescents with parents; negative effect of individual education programmes and the lack of an effective system of structural prevention. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the theoretical and methodological foundations of social support for adolescent mothers and justification of the opportunities for its optimization. It is revealed that social support for adolescent mothers is a work aimed at the implementation of social care, assistance and patronage of adolescent mothers to overcome difficulties in life, preserve, enhance her social status.Social support is aimed at finding ways out of a problem situation, to help activate reserves of a young mother. It is determined that the social support of adolescent mothers is characterized by indicators: a systematic approach, phasing, dynamics and flexibility, variability, performance. In the implementation of social support of teenage mothers, it is advisable to use methods such as: socio-economic, institutional, educational, psychological and sociological. It is established that the socio-pedagogical support, as a type of social support focuses on the process of transferring the social experience taking into account characteristics and needs of different categories, the result of which is the inclusion in all social systems, structures, societies, and communications intended for healthy people, as well as active participation in major areas of life and activities of the company in accordance with age and gender, preparing them for a meaningful adult life, the most complete self-realization and disclosure as a person.It is proved that the complex activities in providing various types of assistance for adolescent mothers and their children will help solve the problem of social adaptation of this category of the population. Criterion of the effectiveness of social support is the transformation of underage mothers from providing customer support in client-social service and social prevention.It is revealed that to optimize social support by adolescent mothers: improvement of normative-legal base of social support; improvement of the content of social support for teenage mothers and training of qualified personnel for the implementation of this type of social work.
Contemporary world poses to people new challenges. The dynamic development of new technologies and social changes brings risk of isolation of men and women. It also requires from the people the ability to adapt to new situations. This article focuses on the problem of correlation between the feeling of isolation and the level of social adaptation. The reflexion on both phenomena may contribute to better understanding, explanation, and counteraction against negative effects of the problem. The results of the research show a clear correlation between both factors mentioned above. All of the relevant correlations are negative. This means that people who have high level of feeling of isolation have lower level of social adaptation. This signifies that higher levels of feeling of isolation goes hand in hand with poorer levels of social adaptation. The analysis of interrelatedness on the subgroup level individualized on the sex criterion shows that women have significantly more connections between variables mentioned above than men.
Współczesny świat stawia przed ludźmi nowe wyzwania. Dynamiczny rozwój techniki, zmiany społeczne i gospodarcze niosą ryzyko osamotnienia człowieka, a także wymagają od niego przystosowania się do zachodzących przemian. Zakres niniejszego artykułu obejmuje problem zależności między poczuciem osamotnienia a poziomem przystosowania społecznego. Refleksja naukowa nad przebiegiem obu zjawisk może przyczynić się do jeszcze lepszego zrozumienia, wyjaśnienia i przeciwdziałania negatywnym skutkom tej rzeczywistości. Wyniki uzyskanych badań jednoznacznie wykazują związek między wyodrębnionymi wymiarami. Wszystkie stwierdzone zależności istotne statystycznie mają charakter ujemny, co świadczy o tym, że osoby uzyskujące wysokie wyniki w skali poczucia osamotnienia wykazują niższe wyniki w wymiarach przystosowania społecznego. Można zatem sądzić, że z wysokim poziomem poczucia osamotnienia idzie w parze gorsze przystosowanie społeczne. Analiza powiązań na poziomie podgrup wyodrębnionych ze względu na płeć pozwala zauważyć, że w przypadku kobiet istnieje zdecydowanie więcej powiązań między omawianymi zmiennymi niż u mężczyzn.
Contemporary world poses to people new challenges. The dynamic development of new technologies and social changes brings risk of isolation of men and women. It also requires from the people the ability to adapt to new situations. This article focuses on the problem of correlation between the feeling of isolation and the level of social adaptation. The reflexion on both phenomena may contribute to better understanding, explanation, and counteraction against negative effects of the problem. The results of the research show a clear correlation between both factors mentioned above. All of the relevant correlations are negative. This means that people who have high level of feeling of isolation have lower level of social adaptation. This signifies that higher levels of feeling of isolation goes hand in hand with poorer levels of social adaptation. The analysis of interrelatedness on the subgroup level individualized on the sex criterion shows that women have significantly more connections between variables mentioned above than men.
The process of children’s adaptation to kindergarten is considered to be a cumulative interaction of external factors assessed by adults and internal ones, caused by the emotional attitude of children to kindergarten and their individual states. External assessments have proved to be an unreliable index of the successfulness of the child’s adaptation to kindergarten. The research revealed that a relatively large group of children who outwardly adapted to kindergarten quite well and, therefore, did not attract the attention of adults, at the same time experienced intense emotional discomfort. The psychological determinants of successful adaptation along with unsuccessful ones were revealed empirically.
The aim of the article is to provide key statistical data concerning Polish repatriation policy and the repatriation process. The author begins with information on the total number of people of Polish descent who were repatriated under the Repatriation Act, the repatriates’ place of settlement in Poland and their household structure. The next section looks at the financial support from the state budget granted to the repatriates, the local governments organizing repatriation and employers offering jobs to repatriates. In the final section the author examines the factors that stimulate repatriation to Poland.
The article presents the results of a study on individual psychological traits of the personality of stuttering adolescents in problematic speech situations, the participants' characteristics are given, and self-assessment of stutterers is considered as a factor contributing to the improvement of correctional and pedagogical interventions and successful social adaptation of adolescents.
The aim of the article is to introduce the legal framework of Polish repatriation policy and evaluate the national repatriation program. The first section of the paper reviews Polish repatriation law, with main focus on the Repatriation Act. Next, the author presents the outcomes of the repatriation program (mainly the issues related to social adaptation and financial assistance), its main obstacles and drawbacks. In the final section the proposals for revision of repatriation policy (legislative initiatives and experts’ proposals) are discussed.
The article presents the research of the structure of a drug-addicted person’s resocialization. Resocialization structureisrepresented by three processes: rehabilitation, adaptation and integration of a person. All processes are in unity and resocialization is conditioned by several factors (environmental, personal and educational). The study structure ischaracterized by uneven deployment rehabilitation, adaptation and integration in time and space. Presented processes are unfolding in the following order: first rehabilitation is individual. The processofrehabilitation allows to deploythe social adaptation of a person. Social adaptation determines the inclusion of a drug-addicted personto society, that makes the integration of a former drug-addicted personin the social environment. The final goal of resocialization is changing norms and values, behavior patterns of a drug-addicted person, achieving a positive social experience for full functioning in the society. The sequence of implementation of each separate structural component resocialization can not be achieved without the implementation of the previous one. That is, a drug-addicted person can not be integrated in a social environment without going through the processes of environmental (social) adaptation, therefore without adaptive function, and the process of social adaptation will be extremely difficult without rehabilitation at all levels. The features of the processes of rehabilitation, social adaptation and integration of a drug-addicted person. Rehabilitation is represented through its forms (physical, psychological, social rehabilitation as the recovery process at different levels of the individual). Social adaptation is seen as a process of adaptation to the conditions of a drug-addicted person to the conditions of the social environment that is constantly changing. Integration is seen as a process that will provide a combination of a drug-addicted individual with the social environment. All processes in their entity allow the individual to achieve resocialization of a drug-addicted person. The perspective directions of the research of the problem of resocialization of drug addicts is the question of organization of the environment in rehabilitation centers for the implementation of resocialization, the construction of the subject-subject relations in this environment, involvement of families of drug addicts as a powerful resource for socio-pedagogical work, as well as the issues of creating conditions in the social environment for the possibility of social adaptation and integration of drug addicts into society.
Studia BAS
issue 2(34)
This article reviews the adaptation process of people of Polish origin repatriated from the former Soviet Union. In the beginning the author introduces a legal and sociopolitical background of repatriation, as well as the social adaptation process. Next, this process is analysed in the light of empirical data obtained on the basis of two nationwide studies conducted among repatriates by the Institute of Social Policy, University of Warsaw. The main focus is placed on their first impressions upon arrival, however the main obstacles and assessment of their repatriation are also discussed. The summary contains a typology of immigrant groups against the background of their social adaptation.
This article fills a gap in migratory research in Poland by exploring patterns of social adaptation of intra-EU migrants living temporarily (i.e. up to five years) in Poland. The paper explores the spaces of everyday social practices of people of British, French and German nationality that came to work here or followed a family member and uncovers a family and female perspective on social adaptation of highly skilled elite migrants in Warsaw. It presents original empirical material employing creative research techniques gathered in Warsaw. The study reveals that social adaptation of intra-EU highly skilled migrants is spatially selective and expats develop connections with spaces related to their family life reproduction, such as international schools, expatriate associations and places of leisure and consumption. The article argues that more attention should be paid in future research to intra-EU mobility and the gender imbalance in accessing particular local resources, such as the labour market.
Studia BAS
issue 4(40)
This article reviews the immigration (repatriation, impatriation) of people of the Polish descent repatriated from the former Soviet Union and their adaptation process in Poland. In the first section, the author introduces methodological challenges related to definitions of the repatriation process. The second section presents the legal background of the repatriation. Next, the author discusses the repatriation process in the light of empirical data. In conclusion, some recommendations for changes in law and policy are given.
W odniesieniu do zagadnienia readaptacji społecznej skazanych na wieloletnie kary pozbawienia wolności, przeprowadzono i zaprezentowano w artykule analizę porównawczą systemów penitencjarnych i rozwiązań reintegracyjnych Danii, Francji, Wielkiej Brytanii i Polski. W podsumowaniu wskazane zostały także kierunki zmian systemowych, które mogą przynieść zwiększenie skuteczności działań oraz mogą być pomocne w efektywnym przygotowaniu skazanych do podjęcia pracy na wolności. Gra toczy się bowiem o znaczące zmniejszenie kosztów społecznych i finansowych ponoszonych przez społeczeństwo na rzecz więźniów, byłych więźniów oraz ich dysfunkcyjnych rodzin.
In reference to problem of social readaptation of convicted for long-term imprisonment, the comparative analysis of penitentiary systems and reintegration solutions from Denmark, France, Great Britain and Poland, was conducted and presented in the article. In the summary, different systemic changes were showed, which may increase the efficient operations and be helpful in effective post penitentiary assistance and preparation of people sentenced, to live and work in freedom. However, the most crucial fact is the decrease of social and financial costs bore by the society for prisoners, ex-prisoners and their dysfunctional families.
This paper, based on an empirical research project, offers information on students of Polish descent from Kazakhstan who study in Poland. The article begins with the introduction of the legal framework related to international students and their scholarship schemes. In the next sections the author discusses various issues related to students of Polish descent, including their motivation for arriving to Poland, obstacles they encounter and their identity problems.
The aim of the research: To show and approve the importance of transformation processes in society and features of a modern personality reacting. Methods of the research: Critical analysis of scientific sources, as well as modern results of practical experience, clarification, analysis of terminological concepts, synthesis, systematization, generalization of basic concepts. Conclusions. In ralation to rapid changes in all spheres of life, that results to system changes in society in the sphere of interpersonal mutual relations, in technical environment and others, there is an actual necessity of a modern personality’s adaptation for different age to the transforming conditions. If a personality cannot, or has no time to adapt to change, his/her own algorithms of behaviour, a way of thinking, a way of life, it can result to exclusion, cognitive dissonance, physical and psychical diseases, as the result of such exclusion.
The article provides an analysis of trends and approaches to researching foreign language learning problems, social and psychological adaptation, and the integration of migrant children in the multiethnic educational institutions of Russia. Showing new actual directions of scientific research: methodology of elementary education in foreign language of middle-school and older migrant children, learning, emotional expression of migrant children and development of their emotional intelligence. It indicates other necessary areas of international research and development in migrant children, a stable identification with the host country, and support for the psychological feeling of security to counter involvement in terrorism.
W artykule zwrócono uwagę na rolę stygmatu przestępcy w kontekście jego readaptacji społecznej. Przedstawiono teorię stygmatyzacji oraz mechanizmy naznaczania społecznego. Ukazano, czym jest myślenie stereotypowe i jak wygląda obraz sprawcy przestępstw w oczach społeczeństwa. Podjęto także problem zmiany postaw społecznych wobec byłych skazanych, co jest koniecznym warunkiem dla powodzenia procesu ich readaptacji społecznej po opuszczeniu instytucji ¬penitencjarnej.
The article presents the role of stigma in the context of criminal social adaptation. It shows the theory of stigmatization and social mechanisms of marking. It also presents the stereotypical image of the criminals and the problem of changing social attitudes to prisoners, which is a prerequisite for the success of their social adaptation after leaving the penitentiary institutions.
The aim of the article is to present the adaptation resources of youth people at risk of social exclusion. The focus was on the classification of S. Hobble’s resources. 50 people in the community day care center in Bytom were examined. The results of the research indicated that the research group has very few resources for positive adaptation.
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zasobów adaptacyjnych młodzieży zagrożonej wykluczeniem społecznym. Skoncentrowano się na klasyfikacji zasobów S. E. Hobfolla. Przebadano 50-osobową grupę podopiecznych świetlicy środowiskowej w Bytomiu. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wskazały, że badana grupa posiada bardzo nieliczne zasoby sprzyjające pozytywnej adaptacji.
In reference to problem of social readaptation of convicted for long-term imprisonment, the comparative analysis of penitentiary systems and reintegration solutions from Denmark, France, Great Britain and Poland, was conducted and presented in the article. In the summary, different systemic changes were showed, which may increase the efficient operations and be helpful in effective post penitentiary assistance and preparation of people sentenced, to live and work in freedom. However, the most crucial fact is the decrease of social and financial costs bore by the society for prisoners, ex-prisoners and their dysfunctional families.
W odniesieniu do zagadnienia readaptacji społecznej skazanych na wieloletnie kary pozbawienia wolności, przeprowadzono i zaprezentowano w artykule analizę porównawczą systemów penitencjarnych i rozwiązań reintegracyjnych Danii, Francji, Wielkiej Brytanii i Polski. W podsumowaniu wskazane zostały także kierunki zmian systemowych, które mogą przynieść zwiększenie skuteczności działań oraz mogą być pomocne w efektywnym przygotowaniu skazanych do podjęcia pracy na wolności. Gra toczy się bowiem o znaczące zmniejszenie kosztów społecznych i finansowych ponoszonych przez społeczeństwo na rzecz więźniów, byłych więźniów oraz ich dysfunkcyjnych rodzin.
In the article the problem of correction and compensatory value of music education in the development of auditory perception, formation and development of musical images, speech and motivation to communicate, musical and rhythmic movements of children with low and deep visual impairment in infancy and early school age is revealed. It is found out that insufficient use of remedial developmental and educational opportunities for musical art hinder the process of “entering” the child in society, to adapt to new conditions of life. Blindness as a primary defect in the first months of a child born blind causes secondary developmental disorders lead to less activity and mobility, the late allocation of certain specific stimuli of vital importance to the child objects and phenomena of the world. Musical art has an inexhaustible potential of the educational and correctional impact on the child’s personality, contributes to the development of the analyzer systems for multimodal basis, which is the main condition for the development of compensatory mechanisms in a child with visual impairment affects the occurrence of a child into the world of social relations, providing further its social activity. The author proves the expediency of the use of different types of musical activities during music classes with children with visual impairment aged from 0 to 3 years which include: hearing-perception of environmental sounds and music (nature sounds, musical instruments, human voices, household noise, music in live performance, quietness, nursery rhymes, jokes, children’s songs, musical fairy tales and others), singing, games and onomatopoeia voice, articulation exercises, musical-plastic movement, musical movement and finger games. The systematic implementation of these kinds of musical activity would greatly neutralize the negative impact of the primary defect, facilitate and accelerate the process of compensatory adaptations that will further reduce the degree of handicap children of studied category.
Zdrowie to stan pełnego fizycznego, umysłowego i społecznego dobrego samopoczucia. To nie tylko brak choroby, ale pełna zdolność człowieka do życia w harmonii ze środowiskiem i prawidłowego reagowania na jego zmiany. Po przeciwnej stronie kontinuum, zgodnie z modelem salutogenezy A. Antonovsky’ego, znajduje się choroba. W życiu każdego człowieka, zwłaszcza dziecka, choroba jest sytuacją trudną, która często wymaga przeorganizowania, a niekiedy i całkowitej zmiany funkcjonowania. Specyficzne zmiany w tym funkcjonowaniu narzuca choroba przewlekła – o przedłużonym czasie trwania, nieuleczalna lub nawracająca. Jedną z ciężkich chorób przewlekłych jest mukowiscydoza. Oprócz czynników stresogennych związanych z czynnościami medycznymi, podejmowanymi w celu leczenia, istotną kwestią jest znaczenie tej choroby dla psychicznej i społecznej sfery rozwoju dziecka. Ocenę stopnia funkcjonowania tych sfer implikuje stopień przystosowania społecznego dziecka. Artykuł podejmuje próbę określenia percepcji przystosowania społecznego chorego dziecka przez jego matkę, nauczycielkę oraz obraz własnego funkcjonowania w szkole dziecka chorego na mukowiscydozę.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. It is not only the absence of illness, but a full human capacity to live in harmony with the environment and to react appropriately to its changes. On the opposite side of the continuum, in line with A. Antonovsky’s salutogenic model, there is illness. In the life of every person, particularly a child, illness is a difficult situation which frequently requires to reorganise and at times also to change the functioning completely. Specific changes in this functioning are imposed by an illness that is chronic – of extended duration, incurable or recurrent. One of the serious chronic illnesses, being at the same time a genetic disease that most frequently occurs in people, is cystic fibrosis. Apart from stressors related to medical acts performed in order to treat the illness, significance of this illness for psychological and social sphere of a child development is also a relevant issue. An evaluation of the level of functioning of these spheres is implied by the level of social adaptation of a child. The article attempts to define the perception of social adaptation of an ill child by his mother and teacher, and a personal view of functioning at school of a child suffering from cystic fibrosis.
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