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Brazylia jako podmiot stosunków międzynarodowych stanowi niezwykle interesujący obiekt badań. W Ameryce Łacińskiej jest krajem wyjątkowym, wyróżnia się pod względem językowym, kulturowym i politycznym spośród swy ch sąsiadów.
Międzynarodowa pozycja Brazylii w okresie ostatnich dwóch dekad uległa znacznemu zwiększeniu. Wśród czynników, które przyczyniły się do tego należy wskazać procesy globalizacji w latach 90. XX wieku i trwające równolegle od II połowy lat 90. procesy regionalizacji. Dzięki umiejętnemu wykorzystaniu posiadanego potencjału gospodarczego i politycznego Brazylia stała się głównym ośrodkiem procesów integracji gospodarczej Ameryki Południowej, czego zwieńczeniem było powstanie Unii Narodów Południowoamerykańskich (UNASUR). Rola ta wynika poniekąd z zapisów brazylijskiej konstytucji, która w art. 4 stwierdza, że „Republika Brazylii będzie dążyć do integracji gospodarczej, politycznej, społecznej i kulturalnej narodów Ameryki Łacińskiej, mając na względzie formowanie się latynoamerykańskiej wspólnoty narodów”.
Politics is the specific form of action in human communities that, as a result of the evolution of social relations, were mobilized to establish – in huge areas and by use of all available measures – the order they regarded as the necessary one. As a specific social activity, politics emerged in separate habitats. At first in Mesopotamia, Egypt and China in the fourth and third millennium BC, when agriculture was initiated and it achieved the efficiency that allowed increasing human population radically to the size forcing people to form groups of non-related individuals, capable of competing against each other in a large area. Then, politics appeared in other areas of our planet inhabited by people.
Koncepcja miękkiej siły – “zdolności uzyskiwania tego, czego się chce, raczej dzięki atrakcyjności niż przymusowi lub pieniądzom” – zyskuje na popularności i istotności w dobie informacji. Artykuł przedstawia pojęcie soft power jego istotę oraz rolę we współczesnej polityce zagranicznej. Miękka siła jest zarówno narzędziem tworzenia pewnej narracji, jak i przejawem wiarygodności państwa – aktywnego uczestnika areny międzynarodowej. Poprzez kulturę, ogół wyznawanych wartości, przyjętą i egzekwowaną politykę wewnętrzną i zewnętrzną, miękka siła kształtuje wizerunek, a w dłuższym horyzoncie czasowym wpływa również na zmienne socjoekonomiczne. Na podstawie stworzonego zarysu teoretycznego oraz raportów i rankingów dotyczących zasobów i trendów współczesnej soft power przeanalizowano sytuację Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej. Analiza wykazała, że choć państwo posiada zarówno zasoby, jak i potencjał do rozwoju na arenie międzynarodowej w tym zakresie, to brak jednak infrastruktury i świadomości co do istotności „słodkiej siły”. Miękka siła nie jest traktowana jako jeden z paradygmatów polityki zagranicznej, a podejściu polskiemu brak dalekowzroczności, formalnych dokumentów i ram, które w precyzyjny sposób określałyby sposoby kontroli oraz mierzenia efektów promocji polskiej kultury za granicą.
In several papers recently published by the author, the main reference was the theoretical considerations of Justin Rosenberg, in an attempt to show the reasons for the dichotomization of ‘internationality’ and ‘internality,’ and the ways of overcoming this dichotomization. This paper attempts to resolve and conclude these previously discussed issues. On the ground of Rosenberg’s theoretical assumptions, the paper answers the questions of where ‘internationality’ originated, and what is a decisive factor for its existence as the dimension of the social world. The author makes reference to the notion of uneven and combined development as interpreted by J. Rosenberg so as to reconstruct the methods applied in answering the above questions in three stages. Firstly, he discusses the model, allowing a comparison of different methods of combining uneven development with international relations. It emerges that, thus far, all these methods have tended to assume political multiplicity (internationality) rather than explain its existence. Secondly, the author reconstructs the explanations referring to the historical-and-sociological argument presented in the work of Barry Buzan and Richard Little. They place the sources of internationality in the prehistoric transition from a hunter- gatherer existence to an agricultural one, which was connected with processes of social diversification and the formation of proto-states. At first glance, Buzan and Little’s explanation seems to make the notion of uneven and combined development redundant. On more detailed analysis, however, ‘unevenness’ and ‘combination’ turn out to play a key role in Buzan and Little’s empirical argument, albeit not theorized upon. Thirdly, the author of this paper demonstrates how ‘unevenness’ and ‘combination’ are necessary elements in processes of social transformation. Thus, he demonstrates that the sources of ‘internationality’ do come from the uneven and combined nature of historical development.
W artykule skoncentrowano się na kwestii współpracy między Polską a Rosją. Pretekstem do jego napisania było anulowanie przez polski rząd obchodów Roku Rosji w Polsce zaplanowanych na 2015 rok. Celem tych uroczystości miało być rozwijanie dialogu kulturowego między Polakami i Rosjanami. Rezygnując z tego przedsięwzięcia, stracono szansę zacieśnienia kontaktów pomiędzy ośrodkami regionalnymi i co najbardziej istotne – zbudowania płaszczyzny współpracy. Mimo napiętej sytuacji w stosunkach polsko-rosyjskich autorzy artykułu postanowili uchwycić podobieństwa i różnice w kulturze obu narodów, próbując zaproponować rozwiązania dla budowania współpracy. W tym celu posłużyli się istniejącymi typologiami kultury i wiedzą z zakresu zarządzania, historii, politologii i socjologii.
In the article, the authors focused on the issue of cooperation between Poland and Russia. Cancelation of celebration of the Russian Year in Poland in 2015 by the Polish government was the reason for the article. The aim of those celebrations was to develop cultural dialogue between Polish and Russian people. By cancelling the event, a chance for strengthening relations between regional units and, what is the most important, for creation of a platform for cooperation was lost. Even though there currently is a tension in relations between Poland and Russia, the authors of the article decided to describe similarities and differences in the cultures of both nations, trying to propose a solution for establishing cooperation between them. In order to do so, they used existing typologies of culture and knowledge from the branches of: management, history, political science and sociology.
There is no doubt that after the end of the Cold War the structure of the Interna­tional System had to reformulate. 20 years after the fali of the SovietUnion, itis worth asking the question: Are the Contemporary International Relation turning into the unipolar or multipolar system? And what impact on present-day states’ capabilities to conduct foreign policy the globalization has and will be having? To capture the essence of the contemporary International environment the text is devoted to the historical evolution of International Relations which highlights the characteristics of the current period. The article reveals that, as a result of unsettled structure of the Contemporary International System and increasing influence of the globalization, present-day governments tend to look for different reference systems, depending on the objective to be achieved. In order to maximize security and developmentopportunities and minimize the level of dependence states are creating flexible networks of key partners. It seems that, atthe threshold of the 21th century a successful foreign policy making is seen as the ability to balance between efficient management and independent management.
In the article author shows how the Polish diplomacy regarded possible Third Reich’s agreement with Soviet Union. Author shows backstage of diplomacy in the period preceding outbreak of war. Zacharias claims, that the concept of Polish foreign policy, was, unlike minister Beck’s hopes, not acceptable by Germany, as it was an obstacle to the expansion in any direction: western - as it was automatically launching Polish obligations under the alliance with France, and eastern as it was obstructing futurę invasion on Soviet Union.
Celem niniejszej publikacji jest określenie stanu relacji polsko-amerykańskich na podstawie częstotliwości i rangi wizyt dyplomatycznych odbywanych między tymi państwami. Relacje te są przedstawiane w sferze zarówno politycznej, jak i naukowej jako fundamentalny element polskiej polityki zagranicznej. Jednocześnie brak niekwestionowanych wymiernych wskaźników pozwalających na ich obiektywną ewaluację. Relacje polsko-amerykańskie zostały w artykule porównane do strategicznego partnerstwa amerykańsko-brytyjskiego. Jako punkt odniesienia wykorzystano dane dotyczące wizyt dyplomatycznych brytyjsko-amerykańskich, co pozwala określić na tle porównawczym intensywność i rangę relacji polsko-amerykańskich.
The article describes relations between State organisms that emerged on the Ukrainian and Kuban Cossacks’ territory of the former Russian Empire atthe end of the Great War. Uniting factor was a common enemy (Bolsheviks). Initially, because of a cultural and ethnical similarity Ukrainian elites perceived Kuban as a part of futurę confederation with the centre in Kiev. Cossacks’ perception was determined by necessity of obtaininga military supportto respond to Sovietaggression. Ukrainę was able to offer only an indirect one (supplies of military eąuipment). The Volunteer Army put at their disposal smali but direct support (a few thousand soldiers) and Kuban Cos­sacks decided to choose an alliance with it. Nevertheless, relations with Ukrainę was maintained and even developed. In November a few technical agreements (among them a consular convention) were signed in Kiev and Ukrainian legation started to operate in Jekaterynodar. The collapse of the Hetmanate and an increase of the importance of the Volunteer Army, which started to limit a political autonomy of Kubań Cossaks, reversed this process. Ukrainian envoy was forced to close its institution and finally was murdered by "white” officers while returning to Kiev.
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest stworzenie katalogu czynników, związanych z długiem publicznym, które negatywnie oddziałują na potęgę państwa na arenie międzynarodowej. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Dług publiczny jest zwykle rozpatrywany jedynie z ekonomicznej perspektywy, z pominięciem jego wymiaru politycznego. Za pomocą analizy teorii funkcjonujących w ekonomii politycznej i na przykładzie wybranych studiów przypadków wskazane zostały czynniki, które łączą dług publiczny państwa z jego potęgą. PROCES WYWODU: Po krótkim teoretycznym wprowadzeniu dotyczącym zagadnienia potęgi państwa w stosunkach międzynarodowych oraz istoty długu publicznego następuje opis katalogu czynników związanych z długiem publicznym, które według autorki mają przełożenie na potęgę państwa. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Zaprezentowane zostały dwie kategorie czynników: pierwsza – związana z gospodarką i budżetem kraju (ogólna sytuacja gospodarcza, wysokość deficytów budżetowych, wysokość ukrytego długu publicznego, dostępność narzędzi polityki monetarnej), zaś druga – ze strukturą samego długu (historia zadłużenia, cele finansowane przez pożyczone pieniądze, struktura długu oraz wierzyciele). WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Opisane czynniki mogą być przydatne przy ocenie potęgi państwa, gdyż odzwierciedlają wpływ długu publicznego na potencjał gospodarczy kraju oraz jego postrzeganie przez pozostałych graczy stosunków międzynarodowych.
In this paper, the author presents the results of her research into security threats to the European Union member states issued by the Russian Federation. The main purpose of the paper is to show the dangers resulting from Russia’s imperialist ambitions, its expansive foreign policy, and its influence on the European countries. Moreover, the author also discusses the possibilities of preventing these threats. The paper analyses the relations between Russia and the European Union, and discusses the possibilities that the Common Security and Defense Policy provides for the European countries.
The author features the development of mutual Russia – NATO relations since 1991 and their influence on international security policy. She shows differences in the perception of such notions as security, partnership or international policy by these two superpowers. Moreover she outlines the influence of bilateral relations to solve existing conflicts and looks for the possibility to solve growing disputes between them. She presents changes in bilateral relations after the outbreak of the Ukrainian – Russian conflict and Russia’s operations in Syria. Having analysed mutual contacts of the two superpowers, the author sets a possible direction of mutual relations which will undoubtedly be affected by globally spreading terrorism.
In view of the crucial events, which had taken place in East Central Europę in the early nineties of the twentieth century, many comments relatingto Polish eastern policy occurred in the catholic press. Most attention was paid to relations that have been built up between Poland and its nearest neighbors behind eastern border. Facing the political transformations in the Soviet Union after 1989, Polish diplomacy announced a double strategy towards the East. It was a strategy of maintaining parallel relations with Moscow and the former Soviet republics. Cautious policy towards the East was being judged in the Catholic press in a positive way. Voices of criticism appeared only after disintegration of the Soviet Union. The critics accused Polish diplomacy of paying more attention to western policy than to eastern affairs. The case of breakingthe dependence from greatestneighbor in the east, withdrawal of the soviet army from Poland, dependency on Moscow’s policy towards entering the NATO, were the most commented issues in relations with Russia. The main problems stressed in the relations with new neighbors in the east were: the recognition of independence of Ukrainę and Belarus, the question of the national minorities, the historical events which made itdifficultto establish friendly relations. In the catholic press there were also visible the comments of a role of the catholic and orthodox churches in the rela­tions between Poland and the east, as well as the situation of the catholic church in the eastern republics.
The article shows the press debate in Germany and Poland about political and economical aspects of the Baltic pipeline. On the example of about sixty articles from four German and four polish newspapers and magazines the question was answered, if this investment was an economical or pure political project. The commentators in both countries were widely describing and commenting this issue, and were clearly suggesting that the North European Gas Pipeline was a political project or even a part of a Kremlin strategy of rebuilding their lost empire. The climax of the debate occurred to be the turn of the years 2005 and 2006, when Russia "turned off the gas valve” to the Ukrainę. The event reasoned a panie among the publicists of both Polish and German media. There were many suggestions and itwas spoken about a elear blackmail from the Kremlin side. Ithas to be mentioned that all the press sources were in accordance to each other, no matter what their po­litical sympathies were. Polish publicists tried to show that the pipę was pointless from the eco­nomical point of view, presenting huge costs and big technical problems of building beneath the sea. Despite that, also the supporters of the investment had chance to presenttheir opinions in the polish media. German journalists pointed outthe advantages of the investment, which were the alternative way of supplying gas with omitting the "unreliable” countries like the Ukrainę or Belarus, competition for resources with China and India or the plans of creating a central distribution point of Russian gas for the all Europę in Germany. The debate showed as well big controversies and concerns which the Baltic pipeline aroused. Even though the supporters and builders ofthis project tried to persuade the public opinion that the pipeline is an economical project, hardly anybody believed that and some newspapers responded to it with polemics or even ironies.
Kwestia wyboru metody selekcji źródeł w badaniach empirycznych z zakresu stosunków międzynarodowych z jednej strony wynika z praktyki metod przyjętych w ramach badań historycznych, z drugiej zaś z ograniczeń i możliwości prowadzenia badań z zakresu nauk o polityce. Celem tego artykułu jest przedstawienie potencjału metodologicznego będącego efektem zestawienia pozytywnego, negatywnego oraz stabilizującego doboru źródeł na przykładzie badań efektywności polityki zagranicznej państwa. Stabilizujący dobór źródeł pozwala na taką selekcję dostępnych materiałów, która umożliwia optymalizację procesu badawczego przy równoczesnym zachowaniu równowagi pomiędzy narracją a rzeczywistością.
Indonesia has become one of the most internationally “compelling” entities nowadays. Its economic development, large and mobile society, political reforms as well as the impressive combination of Islam and democracy attract world’s attention. Indonesia has every right to be regarded as one of the regional powers, or even the emerging leader in Southeast Asia. The breakthrough came along with the overthrow of president Suharto in 1998. The new authorities started to implement variety of reforms in the entire country that are still in process. The transposition of Indonesia’s role and image in the world created also a need for adopting a new, completely fresh approach towards its foreign policy. This paper focuses on foreign policy of Indonesia since 1998 till current days. It examines its main goals and relations with its neighbors, world’s great powers, as well as the involvement of Indonesia within the international organizations. Indonesia is without a doubt primus inter pares in the Association of Southeast Asia Nations and in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Indonesia recognizes its participation within ASEAN as the cornerstone of national foreign policy. Since ASEAN’s establishment in 1967, Indonesia has lead that organization from behind. Nowadays, Indonesia tries to overhaul the whole ASEAN system by pushing for the promotion of democracy and human rights as one of the key agendas for the organization. Within last few years, there was also a deeper Indonesian involvement in G20. Indonesian experience of financial crisis in late 90s and years of economic recession during New Order helps to understand the challenges in today’s world. Sharing that experience within G20, Indonesia initiated different action related to safeguard the international financial institutions and world banking system. The last years brought also a great change in the foreign policy of Indonesia in terms of its relations with the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America. China is no longer regarded as a threat for Indonesia’s elites, but as a prospective economic partner. The diplomatic relations with the United States have been strengthened in recent years as well. Last but not least, the paper focuses on the relations of Indonesia with its closest neighbors. After years of diplomatic discourse and antagonism with the government in Kula Lumpur, Singapore, or Canberra, Indonesia initiates a new phase of cooperation. The years of Konfrontasi are over and Indonesian government opened a new chapter and enjoys the cooperation with Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. Indonesia may be, without a doubt, considered as both regional and middle power, as well as the emerging economic power.
Horyzonty Polityki
vol. 7
issue 21
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is analysis of international risk. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The fundamental problem of this publication is the analysis of selected research on international risk in the subject literature. The article uses traditional research tools which are literature studies. The choice of tool is dictated by the subject selected. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The study consists of three fundamental elements: Genesis and essence of risk. Literature review; Typology of research on risk. Genesis; Research on risk in international relations. RESEARCH RESULTS:  risk category is an important instrument for analysing the phenomena occurring in contemporary international environment, an attempt to deal with highly probable global threats and thanks to its successful mitigating mechanisms can be worked out.  CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS:  creating new instruments and solutions in risk management; adopting various elements of risk management; developing research and scientific consulting aimed at working out suitable models of risk management; defining the subjects responsible for security in individual countries; analysis of dealing with disastrous situations and securing against them.
Na podstawie przekrojowych danych oraz raportów instytucji i organizacji międzynarodowych, artykuł przedstawia aktualne trendy w migracjach międzynarodowych (masowa skala, nieformalny charakter i feminizacja migracji), jako punkt wyjściowy do dyskusji na temat przestrzegania praw człowieka migrantów oraz działań podejmowanych w tym kontekście przez społeczność międzynarodową na forum ONZ oraz – w ostatnim okresie – na szczeblu Unii Europejskiej, szczególnie w związku z próbami ograniczenia napływu nielegalnych imigrantów przez państwa docelowe.
The article provides an overview of current trends in international migrations based on figures and reports of international institutions and organizations, with special focus on the unprecedented scale, feminization, and privatization of the migration processes. The analysis of migratory trends is followed by a discussion of issues related to the protection of migrants’ rights in the context of measures put in place to prevent an inflow of undocumented migrants and the initiatives proposed in this respect by the United Nations and the European Union.
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