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After the accession of Poland to the European Union our country started to be defined as a decentralized state with a regional structure. The aim of this paper is to compare Polish legal solutions to the Italian and Spanish solutions regarded as classic models of regionalism. The effect of the analysis is the conclusion that the biggest obstacle for the development of regionalism in Poland is the lack of proper legal regulations including constitutional regulations. It is responsible for the fact that Polish voivodships do not have guarantees of territorial integrity. Theoretically there is even a possibility to replace them with other units of territorial division. Other restrictions for regional development are: insufficient level of financing and the lack of formed social ties in newly formed voivodships. Due to these factors voivodships do not play their own political role. The situation could be changed as a result of an enlargement of regional competences and granting voivodships limited autonomy similarly to the situation in Italy and Spain.
Po akcesji Polski do Unii Europejskiej pojawiło się określenie ustroju terytorialnego naszego kraju jako państwa zdecentralizowanego o strukturze regionalnej. Zadaniem tego opracowania było porównanie polskich rozwiązań prawnych z rozwiązaniami Włoch, Hiszpanii, które w nauce są uznawane za klasyczne modele regionalizmu. Efektem tej analizy jest stwierdzenie, że największą barierą dla rozwoju regionalizmu w Polsce jest brak odpowiednich uregulowań prawnych w tym konstytucyjnych. Powoduje to, że polskie województwa / regiony, nie mają gwarancji integralności terytorium. Teoretycznie istnieje nawet możliwość ich zastąpienia innymi jednostkami podziału terytorialnego. Innymi ograniczeniami dla rozwoju regionalnego są: niewystarczający poziom finansowania i brak ukształtowanych więzi społecznych w nowoutworzonych województwach, co powoduje, że województwa nie pełnią samodzielnej roli politycznej. Zmiana tego stanu rzeczy mogłaby nastąpić jedynie w wyniku rozszerzenia kompetencji i przyznania regionom / województwom, wzorem Włoch i Hiszpanii, ograniczonej autonomii.
Key features of the Ukrainian society as an individual political nation have been characterized. The research is based on the election process at the level of the election to the Verkhovna Rada. In the research, data from parliamentary election campaigns held in Ukraine during the 21st century were used. Key markers for estimation of the population’s identity, the problem of language priority, the problem of historic memory, the issue of Ukraine’s unitary formation and its spatial and territorial integrity were determined. The arguments offered and the objective grounds of state integrity worded in the research prove separate, formed and integral nature of the Ukrainian political nation.
Withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union is undoubtedly an unprecedented event in the history of the EU. This process encounters many difficulties and reveals an increasing number of problems that contemporary Europe is facing and affects European integration. Even more complications in this area arise as a result of the deadlock in the internal dimension, and in the UK’s relations with the EU. It goes without saying, that this process will result in the need to create a completely new order in the UK’s relations with the EU and will have a huge impact on the global order. The whole process is multidimensional, hence the consequences of leaving the EU by the United Kingdom may have many effects for the UK not only in political and economic sense, but also in the field of its constitutional law and political system, including the area of the state’s territorial arrangement. The purpose of this study is to provide a legal analysis of Brexit’s potential consequences for the territorial system and threats to the territorial integrity of the United Kingdom itself, in particular for the status of its constituent parts and further relations between England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland. The risk of the split and disintegration of the United Kingdom as a result of Brexit cannot be overlooked.
vol. 4
issue 330
Na konferencji „Ekonometria przestrzenna i regionalne analizy ekonomiczne”, która odbyła się w Łodzi w 2014 roku, zaproponowano wprowadzenie warunku spójności przestrzennej do metody Warda, stosowanej do grupowania jednostek administracyjnych. Na każdym etapie aglomeracji w zmodyfikowanej metodzie Warda uwzględniane są tylko te skupienia, które ze sobą sąsiadują. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi rozszerzenie tej koncepcji na inne metody grupowania hierarchicznego, w szczególności metodę prostych i zupełnych połączeń. Zwrócono uwagę na korzyści płynące z zastosowania metody grupowania z warunkiem spójności, akcentując jednak także pewne ograniczenia tych procedur. Wprowadzenie warunku ograniczającego podczas procedury grupowania hierarchicznego powoduje przede wszystkim zmniejszenie jednorodności wyodrębnianych skupień. Ograniczenia przestrzenne mogą też prowadzić do sytuacji, kiedy odległość między skupieniami łączonymi na późniejszym etapie jest mniejsza niż na etapie wcześniejszym (można tu mówić o graficznym „cofaniu się” dendrogramu). Od tej aberracji wolna jest metoda zupełnych połączeń, gdzie odległość między skupieniami jest wyznaczana jako maksimum odległości między ich elementami. Zmodyfikowany algorytm grupowania zaimplementowano jako rozszerzenie programu STATISTICA. Przykłady zastosowania metod grupowania hierarchicznego z warunkiem spójności dotyczą europejskiej przestrzeni regionalnej (w układzie NUTS–2) w latach poprzedzających i następujących po kryzysie finansowym 2008 roku. Celem analiz było wyodrębnienie spójnych przestrzennie obszarów, które charakteryzowałyby się podobną wrażliwością na zjawiska kryzysowe w obszarze rynku pracy.
During the conference entitled Spatial Econometrics and Regional Economic Analyses, which took place in Lodz in 2014, there was a proposition to introduce the spatial coherence property into the Ward method, which is applied to group administrative units [1]. At each stage of agglomeration in the modified Ward method, there are included only those aggregates which are adjacent to each other. This work is an extension of this concept based upon other methods of hierarchical clustering, in particular the single and complete linkage method. The study highlighted the benefits of cluster­ing methods with the coherence property, also emphasizing the limitations of these procedures. First of all, the introduction of the restricting condition during the procedure of the hierarchical clustering reduces the homogeneity of isolated clusters. Spatial constraints may also lead to a situation where the distance between the clusters linked at a later stage is smaller than at an earlier stage (graphically, we can talk about the dendrogram “backflow”). The method of complete linkage is free of these aberration where the distance between the clusters is defined as the maximum distance between their elements. The modified clustering algorithm was implemented as an extension of STATISTICA software. Examples of an application of the hierarchical clustering method with the coherence concern sector changes in the European regional space. The aim of the analysis was to isolate spatially coherent areas that demonstrate a similar direction and intensity of structural change in selected areas of the labour market.
In early 2014, Russia, through armed aggression, violating the fundamental principles and rules of international law, annexed the Crimea and the coastal marine areas of Ukraine. Modern international law of the sea, the basic element of which is the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, has an effective toolkit, the use of which will enable Ukraine to return the lost territories, effectively counteract Russia and bring it to international legal responsibility.
Na początku 2014 r. Rosja, poprzez agresję zbrojną, naruszając podstawowe zasady i normy prawa międzynarodowego, zaanektowała Krym i przybrzeżne obszary morskie Ukrainy. Dnia 26 września 2018 r. na 73. sesji Zgromadzenia Ogólnego ONZ Prezydent Ukrainy P. Poroszenko powiedział, że Rosja nie zamierza zatrzymywać się nad tym i chce zająć Morze Azowskie, a po wybudowaniu mostu Kerczeńskiego zaczęła systematycznie naruszać swobodę żeglugi międzynarodowej dla ukraińskich i zagranicznych statków. W odpowiedzi na agresję Rosji, Ukraina stosuje odpowiednie środki zaradcze, które są dopuszczalne na mocy prawa międzynarodowego i poszukuje sposobów i środków na skuteczniejsze wyjście ze skomplikowanej sytuacji. Międzynarodowe prawo morskie, którego podstawowym elementem jest Konwencja ONZ o prawie morza z 1982 r., posiada skuteczne narzędzie, którego użycie umożliwi Ukrainie zwrot utraconego terytorium, skutecznie przeciwdziałać Rosji i przenosić ją na międzynarodową odpowiedzialność prawną.
The article presents the political, social, ethnical and economic situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina 15 years after the signing of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The agreement officially finished the war in this country. The goal of this article is to describe the complexity of the internal situation and the problems of the construction of a stable and independent state. The article discusses an extremely complicated political system, that was imposed in the peace agreement, which alongside with different political businesses of three constitutional nations is leading to the decision-making paralysis and makes stable ruling is making impossible. The role of the High Representative UN/EU was also described. The role is to coordinate the activity of international community and is indeed exercising the sovereign power in the state contributing to therecognition that Bosnia, although is an independent and sovereign state, actually became an international protectorate. Various opinions about the effectiveness of the High Representative and the legitimacy of taken actions were presented. The fact that (between 1992–2004) NATO forces (executing military missions) and (from 2004) European forces (executing civil-military missions) stationed in Bosnia-Herzegovina is not without meaning. The author is also paying attention to the fact that a complicated and strained ethnic situation is a source of stagnation in BiH and individual constitutional nations have completely different expectations and political businesses which is making impossible to form a civil nation (national) and is still jeopardizing the state’s territorial integrity.
The Author presents a legal analysis of self-determination in international law. It is presented both through a historical and a modern perspective, recalling i.a. such cases as Kosovo, Quebec, Palestinian state in statu nascendi
Autor chciałby zaprezentować analizę prawną prawa do samostanowienia narodów w prawie międzynarodowym. Temat omówiono zarówno w perspektywie historycznej, jak i współczesnej, powołując się m.in. na takie przypadki jak Kosowo, Quebec oraz Państwo Palestyńskie in statu nascendi.
The article examines the main reasons for the signing of the Helsinki Final Act by actors of the global and European international system. The description of individual provisions of the document itself is provided. As a result of the study, it was proved that the Helsinki Agreement became a compromise that consolidated the existing status quo in Europe and defined the framework for the peaceful regulation of relations between the West and the East. The key principles of European peace and security were fixed by the document for many years. The agreement significantly eased the inter-bloc tension without dividing the sides of the process into "losers" and "winners". Individual ideas of Helsinki have not lost their relevance and still contain the potential to support the European security system. The main thing is non-interference in internal affairs and a balance of interests. The formation of the international organization – CSCE/OSCE - was a significant legacy of Helsinki. It opened up the opportunity for Europeans to pursue policies for the creation of a united, peaceful, democratic and prosperous Europe. At the same time, it is difficult to ignore the fact that the modern OSCE in many parameters of its activity is fundamentally different from the initial, conceived option. Today's polemics within the organization are increasingly reminiscent of the inefficient discussions of the former League of Nations. In general, little has been accomplished from the large-scale plans, for which everything started back in the 60s and 70s of the last century. However, a topic that initially seemed secondary to many came to the fore, the issue of observing human rights ("the third basket"). The European practice of interstate relations has demonstrated that the humanitarian part of the Helsinki Agreements remains relevant even today, especially in post-Soviet countries, where, by and large, little has changed since the time of the USSR in terms of the protection of human rights. The OSCE has not become and is unlikely to become the main factor in the formation of a comprehensive system of European security, covering all aspects - from military to humanitarian. Today, pettiness prevails in the organization, which does not correspond to the original intentions of its founders. In addition, the lack of a mechanism to guarantee compliance with the principles of the OSCE can finally "bury" the organization
Apportionment of authority among states in the space is one of the fundamental function of public international law and aim of that serves state borders institution. State borders are define as a line or surface separating state territories in land, martime and airspace. However exist different kind of borders that their establish in space bases on delimitation and demarcation. As long as do not give rise controversy establish land and maritime borders, while in spite of lack border determine in air space accept that sit height about 100–150 km. To sum up in the light of public international law exists and significant border is submit of principle of territorial integrity of states at the same time by their establish essential role plays crucial role effectiveness in carry out control of territory and borders. Therefore the principle of territorial integrity of States and effectiveness control over territory defines essence and role of state border.
The article deeply analyzes the difficult thirty-year practice of the development of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the context of considering the main components that made it possible to overcome the huge crisis phenomena and challenges that called into question the very existence of the state in the first post-Soviet years, and entering the trajectory of socio-economic development and recovery. The authors argue that it is the strengthening of all state institutions, a balanced consolidating strategy of Azerbaijan studies, skillfully and quickly carried out broad economic reforms, rational approaches to attracting foreign direct investment and creating an appropriate business climate that have been and remain the engines of positive socio-economic transformations. The end of the military confrontation, the departure from the attitudes of extreme nationalism, as well as a number of unpopular measures that were taken under the firm leadership of Heydar Aliyev, were used to overcome separatism and disintegration phenomena, at the same time, human and organizational resources were subordinated to the preservation of Azerbaijan’s national identity and growth public consciousness of its society. The recovery of economic growth in post-Soviet Azerbaijan is inextricably linked with the development of oil resources on the shelf of the Caspian Sea. This was facilitated by a stable domestic and foreign policy, constitutional and legal framework for the development of entrepreneurship, which allows attracting foreign direct investment in the long term. At the present stage, official Baku professes strategic goals for the formation of a socially-oriented, diversified national economy, strengthening its free market relations and the ability to self-development in the context of trends in the world economy. This is facilitated by measures to implement a long-term strategy for the management of oil and gas revenues and a program for the socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Consequently, the national consolidation, economic growth of Azerbaijan along with the development of the armed forces have become effective factors in the restoration of territorial integrity and the return of uncontrolled territories and their modern restoration.
У статті ґрунтовно аналізується непроста тридцятирічна практика розвитку Азербайджанської Республіки у контексті розгляду засадничих складових, які уможливили подолання величезних кризових явищ та викликів, що ставили під питання саме існування держави у перші пострадянські роки, та виходу на траєкторію соціально-економічного розвитку і піднесення. Автори доводять, що саме зміцнення всіх державних інститутів, виважена консолідуюча стратегія азербайджаністики, уміло і швидко проведенні широкі економічні реформи, раціональні підходи щодо залучення прямих іноземних інвестицій і створення належного підприємницького клімату були і залишаються рушіями позитивних соціально-економічних перетворень. Припинення воєнного протистояння, відхід від настанов крайнього націоналізму, як і непопулярні інші заходи, які здійсненні за твердого керівництва Гейдара Алієва, були використанні для подолання сепаратизму і дезінтеграційних явищ, натомість час, кадрові та організаційні ресурси підпорядковувалися збереженню національної самобутності Азербайджану та зростанню суспільної свідомості його соціуму. Відновлення зростання економіки пострадянського Азербайджану нерозривно пов’язане з освоєнням нафтових ресурсів на шельфі Каспійського моря. Цьому сприяла стабільна внутрішня і зовнішня політика, конституційно-правові засади розвитку підприємництва, що дозволяють залучати прямі іноземні інвестиції на довготривалу перспективу. На сучасному етапі офіційний Баку сповідує стратегічні цілі щодо формування соціально-орієнтованої, диверсифікованої національної економіки, зміцнення її вільних ринкових відносин і здатності до саморозвитку в контексті тенденцій світового господарства. Цьому сприяють заходи по реалізації Довгострокової стратегії з управління нафтовими і газовими доходами та програми соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів Азербайджанської Республіки. Відтак національна консолідація, економічне зростання Азербайджану разом із розбудовою збройних сил стали дієвими чинниками відновлення територіальної цілісності і повернення непідконтрольних територій та їх сучасної відбудови.
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