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The paper provides a study of religious lexis excerpted from the Russian translation of the encyclical letter Laudato si’. The Russian version of the encyclical was translated and published by Russian Franciscan Publishing House. The analyzed material consisting of single words, as well as compound multi-word expressions, related to the Catholic denomination (264 lexical items – 1000 uses, which accounts for 14% of the entire encyclical), was grouped into semantic fields. The vocabulary was described in terms of the semantics and its functioning and codification, both in the contemporary Russian religious language and in general Russian language. It was assumed that the encyclical is addressed not only to the representatives of the Church hierarchy but also to all the faithful. Hence, there was the need to draw attention to the pragmatic aspects of the religious language, including the balance between comprehensibility and the use of specialist theological terminology in the translated text. It was demonstrated that the majority of the lexical items of religious terminology is coded by the explanatory dictionary of the contemporary Russian language, except for 14 lexical items related to the Catholic denomination that enhance the lexis of the contemporary Russian language.
На теренах славістики чи не найбільш активними в обстоюванні теолінгвістики як окремої наукової дисципліни виявилися польські вчені, в Україні донедавна глобальна проблема «Мова і релігія» перебувала на маргінесі. Однак українська теолінгвістикамає тривалу й складну історію, оскільки бере початок з ХІХ ст. Дослідження питань теолінгвістики здійснювалося насамперед представ-никами потебнянської школи та вченими діаспори, які зосередили увагу на аналізі давньої релігійної лексики. У радянські часи в Україні теолінгвістика розвива-лася завдяки працям з історії мови й загального мовознавства. На тлі українських радянських дослідників вивищується постать Булаховського, який наголошував на взаємозв’язку мови і релігії, аналізував вплив релігійних чинників на розвиток літературних мов, а також зворотний вплив мови на релігію.
In the field of Slavic studies, Polish scholars were perhaps the most active in defending theolinguistics as a separate scientific discipline, until recently the global problem of “Language and religion” was on the margins in Ukraine. However, Ukrainian theolinguistics has a long and complex history, as it dates back to the nineteenth century. The study of theolinguistics was carried out primarily by the representatives of the Potebnya school and scholars of the diaspora, who focused on the analysis of ancient religious vocabulary. In Soviet times, theolinguistics in Ukraine developed through works on the history of language and general linguistics. Among Ukrainian Soviet researchers is the figure of Bulakhovsky, who emphasized the relationship between language and religion and analysed the influence of religious factors on the development of literary languages, as well as the reverse effect of language on religion.
Who is He, to Whom we address words God, Theos, Deus, etc.? How far goes possibility for adaptation of religious and philosophical language from other (non-Western) cultures? Do  people, by  using certain words and terms, denote being of God, or are they just conventional names? Those questions were raised quite early in theological debates in early stages of Christianity, and answers were given by such prominent Church Fathers as Gregory of Nyssa and Basil the Great. The problem resurfaced millennium later, when Western missionaries encountered nations and people whose religious and philosophical concepts were far different from their own. Should they accommodate local terms to fit the Christian concept of God, or should they introduce Western terminology? This translational and linguistic problem leads to the question: are there universal concepts which (despite of cultural affiliation, based on the common human experience) could communicate the Christian idea of God? Findings of Wierzbicka, and her own claim is: yes – there are semantic primes, through which we  can translate our ideas (with minor imperfections). But this last question goes beyond the reach of mere secular linguistics, and enters the domain of theology. For it is theological claim that in our human nature we are capable of addressing Triune God.
At the end of the ХХ and the beginning of the ХХІ century an intensive development of theo-linguistics can be traced as a direction of linguistics, which aims at the investigation of the relation between language and religion. A theonym is considered to be the main unit of theolinguistics, and bibleism is considered to be its variety. Phraseologism – the main form of the structural expres-sion of bibleisms – is considered to from the point of its wide linguistic understanding. Nowadays the formation of an international bibleisms-phraseologisms can be traced and have a specific ex-pression in Ukrainian and Polish linguo-cultures. The above mentioned phenomenon has got its reflection in the Concise Ukrainian-Polish Dictionary ofSetExpressions: Equivalent Words, Phraseologisms, Proverbs and Sayings (compilors: T. Kosmeda, O. Gomenyuk, T. Osipova, 2017), and was the first one in the history of Ukrainian-Polish Phraseology. The character, the types and the degree of equivalence of the fragment of Ukrainian-Polish phraseological units have been analyzed. The degree of equivalence includes the bibleisms, which are fixated in the above mentioned dictio-nary (75 units). It has been revealed that the Ukrainians and Polish expressions are the product of two related Slavic languages that have got many things in common in the system of the bibleisms-phrase-ologisms. Under conditions of similar semantics we may trace some formal differences caused by variation and optional components of the structure of phraseologisms and a non-correspondence of their grammatical forms and syntactic structures in general, etc. Not full equivalents can be traced as well, and were caused by semantics non-correspondence (it can be wider or narrower and rarely absolutely non-equivalent or homonymic) and pragmatics (the presence of polar axiology, unequal stylistic parameterization).
The paper aims at describing the discourse of the Polish Catholic Church upon family. The perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis is adapted and chosen categories suggested by van Leeuwen (2008) are used. The study is conducted on corpus (241-thousand words) of official documents published on website of Polish Bishop’s Conference. Qualitative and quantitative methods are used. The analysis reveals three discursive ways of constructing of the family: family as a part of church’s community, family as week, endangered and needing protection and strong connection between family and national identity.
vol. 68
issue 6
The paper provides a description of the prospects of sociolinguistic studies of the religious language functioning in the Slavonic sphere, taking into account the mentalities of individual nations and the diversity of the religiolect of believers and unbelievers.  It was found that theolinguistic studies emphasise the influence of Christianity on the mentalities of individual nationalities; thus, one can say about the domination of Christian mentality of different Slavonic nations, which is reflected mainly in lexis and phraseology. A hypothesis was formulated that people of the same faith form one linguistic community, linked by common historical-cultural and religious contacts, and communicate with the use of a common linguistic subcode.
Artykuł poświęcony jest opisowi perspektyw socjolingwistycznego badania języka religijnego funkcjonującego w sferze słowiańskiej z uwzględnieniem mentalności poszczególnych narodów oraz zróżnicowaniа religiolektu wierzących i niewierzących. Stwierdzono, iż badania teolingwistyczne podkreślają wpływ chrześcijaństwa na mentalność poszczególnych narodowości, stąd można mówić o dominacji chrześcijańskiej mentalności poszczególnych narodów słowiańskich, co znalazło odzwierciedlenie przede wszystkim w leksyce i frazeologii. Postawiono hipotezę, że osoby wyznające tę samą wiarę tworzą jedną wspólnotę językową, połączoną wspólnymi kontaktami historyczno-kulturowymi i religijnymi, realizują komunikację wykorzystując wspólny subkod językowy. Перспективы социолингвистических исследований в славянской теолингвистике – вступительные замечания В статье освящаются вопросы перспектив социолингвистических исследований религиозного языка, употребляемого в славянской среде, с учетом как менталитета отдельных наций, так и отличий религиолектов верующих и неверующих. Констатируется, что в теалингвистических исследованиях подчеркивается влияние христианского вероисповедания на менталитет славянских народов, что находит отражение прежде всего на уровне лексики и фразеологии. Выдвигается гипотеза, что лица, у которых одно вероисповедание, создают языковую общность, объединенную общими историко-культурными и религиозными контактами, осуществляют коммуникацию, используя один языковой субкод.
The paper, inspired by the apostolic exhortation Amorislaetitia (2016) by Pope Francis, is devoted to the notion of tenderness in the Polish language, as compared with its equivalents in other European languages, mentioned in the translations of Pope Francis’ exhortation: Italian tenerezza, French tendresse, English tenderness, German Zärtlichkeit, Russian nežnost’. Etymologies of these words, not only from the Romance languages, but also German and Russian names, are associated with the notions like gentleness and fragility, which refer to the attitude towards another person, expression of the feeling, as well as the gentle way of treating another person. In that respect, Polish differs from the other languages. The image of tenderness shaped by the Polish word czułość (etymologically connected with the verb czuć – tofeel) directs attention to the aspect of sensitivity and empathy with another person, focusing on the condition, situation in which the person finds himself/herself, as well as their needs. It is an important aspect, which is underestimated during the first reflection on this notion, as it is dominated by the meaning of expression of the feeling.
The object of considerations undertaken in the article is the anthology of texts written by Polish catholic mystics (Antologia mistyki polskiej II, edited by Marian Zawada OCD). This work aims to indicate the most critical problems with the grammatical forms exploited to describe the mystical, supernatural experiences, which are known as the ineffable phenomena. Mystics write about these problems in the metalingual comments. They regret the human language, too weak to express the richness of the world of their souls. This analysis shows that one of the most severe difficulties is a description of the timelessness of the netherworld. Mystical texts tell us also about the problem with superlative adjectives. Mystics cannot find proper terms for the supernatural reality of God and saints: every kind of attribute is insufficient.
Przedmiotem rozważań prowadzonych w artykule są dzieła mistyków Kościoła katolickiego, zawarte w Antologii mistyki polskiej (t. II), pod redakcją Mariana Zawady OCD. Celem zaś pracy jest wskazanie tych obszarów gramatyki, które sprawiają mistykom największe problemy w opisywaniu ich mistycznych, nadprzyrodzonych stanów, które są z natury niewyrażalne. Mistycy piszą o tych pisarskich trudnościach w swoich metajęzykowych komentarzach, ubolewając przy tym nad ludzką mową – zbyt ubogą, by wyrazić bogaty świat ich dusz. Jak wynika z badania, jednym z większych problemów jest opis bezczasowości zaświatów – niemożliwy z racji na temporalny charakter czasowników i linearny zapis. Inny problem związany jest z tworzeniem superlatywów, które dla mistyka oglądającego Boga i postaci świętych, są wciąż niewystarczające.
У раду се, на материјалу асоцијативних речника, спроводи анализа садржине и структуре асоцијативних поља лексема из семантичког поља „религија и Црква“ у руском и српском језику са циљем реконструисања представа о религиозности у свести носилаца двају језика. Добијени резултати доводе се у корелацију са новијим социолошким испитивањима религиозности грађана Русије и Србије.
Słowniki skojarzeniowe jako źródło badań religijności w społeczeństwach postateistycznych Europy wschodniej i południowowschodniej (na przykładzie języka serbskiego i rosyjskiego) W artykule analizuje się treść i strukturę derywatów asocjacyjnych należących do pola semantycznego „religia i Kościół” w języku rosyjskim i serbskim. Na materiale słowników skojarzeniowych rekonstruuje się wyobrażenia na temat religijności w świadomości użytkowników obu języków. Uzyskane rezultaty poddane są konfrontacji z nowszymi socjologicznymi badaniami nad religijnością obywateli Rosji i Serbii.
The essay deals with the analysis of the content and the structure of the associative fields of lexemes from the semantic field “religion and Church” in Russian and Serbian languages on the material of associative dictionaries. The aim of this study is the reconstruction of the notions of the religiosity in the consciousness of the both language speakers. The results are set in correlation with the recent sociological studies of the religiosity of Russian and Serbian citizens. The analysis reveals the compatibility of the picture of the religiosity in the language consciousness of the contemporary speakers of Russian and Serbian languages with the findings obtained by sociological methods. According to the structure and the content of the associative fields of the lexemes from the domain of spirituality, religious notions among Russians are amorphous, emotionally and expressively more negatively marked than among Serbs, and they imply greater detachment which is manifested through intellectualistic, rational and atheistic approach. The syncretism of the Soviet ideological attitude toward religious values and their modern status in the post-atheistic and post-totalitarian society is also noticeable, with its rather weak manifestations of the traditional orientation. Among Serbs, the attitude toward the terms from the sacral domain is mostly positively marked, but notions about them are often ambiguous. The most dominant is the traditionalism, with the weaker exposing of the national element, but certain profanation of the terms and notions form the sacral sphere are also noticeable, and it stems from the coexistence of the religious and the secular.
The term religious sociolect (religiolect) in this essay bears the meaning of a relatively stable, socially marked subsystem of the national language satisfying the needs for communication of a limited social group — the members of a particular religious community, reflecting a theocentric picture of the world and having specific lexical, phonetic-prosodical, formative and grammatical features. The language of the Orthodox clergy and church-going believers represents an independent microsystem, a religiolect belonging to Serbian national language, with its specific parameters and confessionally marked elements of all the levels of the language system organisation (orthoepic, graphic and orthographic, grammatical and lexical). The extralinguistic basis of the Orthodox sociolect consists of specific characteristics of the picture of world of the religious Serbian language speakers, as well as the constituents of their mentality — protectivity, sacrality, catholicity.
Настоящая статья посвящена функционально-семантическому описанию русской и польской терминологии теолингвистики. В ходе исследования с использованием русских и польских лексикографических источников были проанализированы толкования слов, которые a priori могут выполнять функцию теолингвистических терминов; изучены особенности их функционирования в русско- и польскоязычных теолингвистических текстах; проведен выбор и семный анализ русских и польских терминов, вошедших в состав понятийно-терминологического поля „теолингвистика”.
Artykuł poświęcony jest funkcjonalno-semantycznemu opisowi rosyjskiej i polskiej terminologii teolingwistyki. W trakcie badań, na podstawie rosyjskich i polskich źródeł leksykograficznych, przeanalizowano definicje słów, które a priori mogą pełnić funkcje terminów teolingwistycznych; zostały zbadane właściwości ich funkcjonowania w rosyjskich i polskich tekstach teolingwistycznych; dokonano selekcji i analizy semowej terminów rosyjskich i polskich wchodzących w skład pojęciowo-terminologicznego pola „teolingwistyka”.
This article is devoted to the functional and semantic description of the Russian and Polish terminology of theolinguistics. Russian and Polish lexicographic sources were used to analyze the interpretation of words that a priori can perform the function of theolinguistic terms; the features of their functioning in Russian- and Polish-language theolinguistic texts were studied; the selection and seminal analysis of Russian and Polish terms included in the conceptual and terminological field "theolinguistics" was carried out.
vol. 68
issue 6
The paper describes changes which occurred in service of Stations of the Cross during the last century. The analysis is based on Searle’s classification of illocutionary acts and Bühler-Jakobson’s theory of speech functions. Illocutionary force is considered as one of the specific features of a speech genre (so called pragmatic aspect). Material of the study includes 100 Polish texts of Stations of the Cross service published during the first half of the 20th century and 100 contemporary texts of the devotional practice (after the II Vatican Council). The frequency of appearance and significance of different speech acts have changed in the analyzed period. It may be noted, inter alia, reduction of the role of expressive acts, and at the same time increase of the role of directive acts. Clearly less attention is paid to declarational act of gaining of the indulgences. However, basic set of speech acts in the devotion hasn’t changed and in this sense we can speak of stability of devotion of Stations of the Cross.
W artykule opisano zmiany, które zachodzą w nabożeństwie drogi krzyżowej w ciągu ostatniego stulecia. Analiza opiera się na klasyfikacji aktów mowy Searle’a oraz na teorii funkcji wypowiedzi Bühlera-Jakobsona. Siła illokucyjna jest traktowana jako jeden z elementów gatunku mowy, tzw. aspekt pragmatyczny. Materiał badawczy obejmuje 100 tekstów nabożeństwa drogi krzyżowej wydanych przed soborem watykańskim II, w pierwszej połowie XX wieku, i 100 tekstów współczesnych, posoborowych. Okazuje się, że w badanym okresie zmienia się udział poszczególnych aktów mowy w całości tekstu. Między innymi można zauważyć zmniejszenie roli aktów ekspresywnych, a jednocześnie wzrost roli aktów dyrektywnych. Ponadto o wiele mniejszą wagę we współczesnym nabożeństwie przywiązuje się do aktu deklaratywnego polegającego na uzyskaniu odpustu. Jednakże podstawowy zespół aktów mowy nie zmienia się i w tym sensie można mówić o stałości nabożeństwa drogi krzyżowej.
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Maria jako imię zakonne

vol. 59
The article touches on the problems of how religious names function in Polish anthroponymy. It includes analysis of how the name Maria functions as a religious name. Religious names of 19 Polish women’s religious orders, all assigned between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, were analysed (includes lists of the names of the religious orders in which sisters changed their names, and where the name Maria, or other names under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary, were used). The function of the name Maria as a female monastic name largely depends on the given assembly and its spirituality. Looking diachronically at the use of particular names, one can say that even within the orders there was some kind of religious taboo about assigning the name Maria, in a way similar to that existing in the laity naming (although it did not concern all orders to the same extent).
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