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In the article, the attempt was made to explain the problems arising from the examination of liability in the exercise of public authority from the point of view of the economic analysis of law and to assess the influence of the regulation of this liability on the effective behavior of public authority. First of all, to better clarify the problem, general assumptions of the economic analysis of law, used in the study of liability in general, were presented. On their basis, further discussion on the possibility on applying methods of the economic analysis of law to examine liability for the exercise of public authorities, the necessary modifications to the assumptions and methods used in the economic analysis of law and assessment of the suitability of its application in relation to liability for the exercise of official authority was carried out.
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Giustizia e diritti

Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
vol. 60
issue 3
The proclamation of rights without contextual means to ensure. is not an effective source of justice and leads to a justice crisis. A new ‘model’ must be proposed , which sees the Roman law and process as a source of innovative suggestions and ideas that apply to the present. In particular, it is important to emphasize the ‘Treaties’ as threatening to man and the environment. The Roman law indicates the way to prevent the underlying economic and financial reign of the few.
La proclamazione di diritti senza contestuale strumenti che ne assicurino l’effettività è fonte di crisi de diritto e della Giustizia. Occorre proporre un nuovo ‘modello’, per il quale il diritto ed il processo romano appaiono fonte di suggestioni e di spunti innovativi applicabili anche all’oggi. In particolare è inammissibile l’enfatizzazione dei ‘Trattati’ sino al punto di minacciare l’uomo e l’ambiente. Il diritto romano indica la via per impedire l’assoggettamento agli interessi economico- finanziari di pochi.
The state’s liability for tort according to the principle of equity was introduced in Poland for the first time in the act from 1956 on the State’s liability for damages done by the state functionaries. Respects of equity assume an assessment of the situation when the damage occurred through the prism of moral convictions and axiological principles consolidated in the society and accepted in the legal system. The assessment of the validity of adjudication for damages should consider both the objective circumstances of the matter and the injured person’s situation. Liability comes into play in the situation when the damage was done by the action of an organ of public authority which was according to the law. The exceptional character of liability determines limiting it only to the injuries on a person, which is justified by the special character of goods included within compensation protection.
The article describes the problem of tortious liability for failure to render assistance. There are no legal systems that establish a duty to render assistance in the provisions of civil law. This stems from the fact that in most of them, the obligation to take actions derives from criminal law that imposes direct sanctions on those who do not render assistance (e.g. France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland). Nevertheless, even the tortious liability of a person who could easily and without risk rescue another but fails to do so is highly controversial from the comparative perspective. Some legal systems (mainly in common law countries) reject tortious liability in similar cases. Some authors argue that the failure to act in those cases does not cause direct damage and that the pure omission should not provide a basis for liability. There are also opinions that this issue should remain the subject of morality rather than law, and therefore a moral sanction, not a civil one, is appropriate in this respect. For that reason, the draft amendment to Austrian tort law and the Principles of European Tort Law include explicitly such a duty to act in the draft provisions. In Polish law, Article 162 of the Polish Criminal Code of 1997 governs the obligation to render assistance. According to the legal literature, the qualification of an act or omission as wrongful in criminal law prejudges that it is also unlawful in civil law. The scope of criminal liability established on the basis of Article 162 of the Polish Criminal Code covers most cases regarded in the comparative literature as potential grounds of tortious liability. The obligation to act can also potentially arise outside the scope of the situations covered by Article 162 of the Polish Criminal Code. It is possible when the omission would be contrary to the so-called rules of social coexistence (rules of morality). In such case, the potential existence of an obligation to render assistance should depend on several circumstances. Firstly, the omission of the potential rescuer must be intentional. Secondly, potential liability should be limited only to situations where the existing danger could lead to serious bodily injury or death to the person at risk. Thirdly, the cost of preventing or removing the threat on the part of the potential rescuer should be significantly lower than the importance of legal interests of the endangered person. Fourthly, the potential rescuer needs to have a real opportunity and appropriate skills to prevent or eliminate the existing threat, whether by providing help or support to the person at risk or informing those who could do so. Moreover, the obligation to render assistance may exist in situations where there is a specific relationship (even a factual one) between the parties that justifies providing aid to each other.
Esej rozpoczyna się od krótkiej prezentacji ekonomicznej analizy prawa jako dyscypliny naukowej, podane są przykłady różnic między ekonomiczną analizą prawa i tzw. analizą doktrynalną. Następnie omówione zostają dwa najważniejsze nurty badawcze w dziedzinie będącej przedmiotem szczególnego zainteresowania autora - wykorzystywanie pojęć zaczerpniętych z ekonomii behawioralnej do analizy prawa oraz rozwój empirycznych badań przepisów prawa. Po wyjaśnieniu, dlaczego są one tak ważne, autor przedstawia przykłady znaczących różnic między wnioskami, do których dochodzą przedstawiciele nowych nurtów myślenia, a interpretacjami proponowanymi przez zwolenników bardziej tradycyjnego podejścia do zagadnień prawa, a także omawia ich wpływ na politykę prawną i regulacyjną.
The author starts his essay with a brief overview of law and economics as a research discipline and offers examples of how its analysis differs from that of doctrinal analysis, an older style of legal analysis. Next, he focuses on what he considers to be the two most important developments in the area - the incorporation of behavioural economics into the analysis of law and the emergence of empirical legal studies. After explaining why he considers them to be of such importance, he gives examples of how the legal and regulatory policies suggested by these developments significantly differ from the previous ones.
Ukraine has chosen its way of development towards Europe, European values and respect for human dignity and human rights. The signing of the Association Agreement in 2014 obliged Ukraine to harmonize its legislation in priority spheres of life with the legislation of the European Union. But legislative approximation should touch not only upon the fields of public law, but private law too and, in particular, tort law. The main problem of tort law approximation is that there are no joint tort rules in the EU. All attempts to harmonize tort law stopped at the creation of acts of “soft law” – general non-binding rules and principles. One of the most significant examples is the PETL – the Principles of European Tort Law. The PETL show a modern understanding of torts, spell out the conditions of tort liability, as well as other relevant requirements. Ukrainian rules of tort law do provide protection of a victim’s violated rights, however some recommendations of the PETL, such as provisions governing the conditions of tort liability, the understanding of causation and fault should be taken into account when Ukrainian tort law is modernised.
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Proof of Causation in Tort Cases

The article addresses the problem of uncertainty over causation in tort cases. It reveals the interconnection between burden of proof and standard of proof. The author provides a comparative overview of approaches to standard of proof in common law and civil law systems. It is argued that while in common law there are two different standards viz: beyond-reasonable-doubt-standard for criminal cases and balanceof-probabilities standard for civil cases in civil law system there is only one standard applicable both to criminal and civil cases. With comparative analysis in the background the article also reveals the peculiarities of Ukrainian law in the respect of the issue raised. The problem is approached in a pragmatic manner: using a hypothetical case the author models practical outcomes entailed by each of the approaches being applied to the case. Eventually the conclusion is made that there are four ways of coping with uncertainty over causation: (1) to reverse the burden of proof; (2) to calibrate the standard of proof for certain cases; (3) to recognize the very creation of the abnormal risk as a compensable damage; and (4) to multiply damage plaintiff sustained by the probability factor indicating the likelihood of the damage being actually caused by the defendant.
The principle of state liability has been widely recognised in 20th century and codified in certain jurisdictions. English law, however, has been traditionally reluctant to recognise the liability of Crown distinct from the of its servants. According to the long-standing principle of rule of law, servants of the Crown should be liable for torts committed in their official capacity just as individuals. The principle has been allegedly designed to protect the individuals from arbitrary decisions of public authorities, which fall in their actions under jurisdiction of common courts. It was not until the advance of Crown Proceedings Act 1974 when the Crown took material liability for torts committed by its servants. The nature of tortious liability of the public bodies, however, remained peculiar. The aim of this article is to indicate that the underlying concept of individual liability of servants, once designed to protect the individuals, now restricts the scope of civil liability of public bodies in English law.
Odpowiedzialność państwa za delikt zgodnie z zasadą słuszności została w Polsce wprowadzona po raz pierwszy w ustawie z roku 1956 o odpowiedzialności państwa za szkody wyrządzone przez funkcjonariuszy państwa. Szacunek dla słuszności zakłada ocenę sytuacji, w której szkoda powstała, poprzez pryzmat przekonań moralnych i zasad aksjologicznych uznawanych w społeczeństwie i przyjętych w systemie prawnym. Ocena zasadności wyroku za szkody powinna uwzględniać zarówno obiektywne okoliczności sprawy, jak i sytuację osoby poszkodowanej. Odpowiedzialność wchodzi w grę w sytuacji, kiedy szkoda została wyrządzona poprzez działanie organu władzy, które było zgodne z prawem. Wyjątkowy charakter odpowiedzialności decyduje o ograniczeniu jej jedynie do szkód wyrządzonych osobie, co jest usprawiedliwione przez szczególny charakter dóbr podlegających rekompensacie.
The state’s liability for tort according to the principle of equity was introduced in Poland for the first time in the act from 1956 on the State’s liability for damages done by the state functionaries. Respects of equity assume an assessment of the situation when the damage occurred through the prism of moral convictions and axiological principles consolidated in the society and accepted in the legal system. The assessment of the validity of adjudication for damages should consider both the objective circumstances of the matter and the injured person’s situation. Liability comes into play in the situation when the damage was done by the action of an organ of public authority which was according to the law. The exceptional character of liability determines limiting it only to the injuries on a person, which is justified by the special character of goods included within compensation protection.
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
vol. 60
issue 3
The institution of State’s liability for detrimental acts of officials has its roots in ancient legal systems, especially in Roman law. Due to the fact that the Romans did not recognize the State as the legal person in today’s meaning, it clearly explains why a guilty official (lat. magistratus) bore personal liability for damage caused in exercising his duties. In this legal system the State completely protected its interests while the victims could only sued some of guilty magistrates what it did not guarantee them (i.e. the vicitims) effective (legal and judicial) protection. Over centuries, the institution has gradually evaluated from magistrate’s personal liability to the State’s liability (i.a. in Germany and in Poland). Nowadays, scholars and practising lawyers ponder over if binding provisions in both countries give effective (legal and judicial) protection for detrimental acts of officials: the victims against the State on the one hand and the State against the deliquent official on the other hand. It seems that there are no so many doubts about the victim’s protection, what it cannot be said in relation to the protection of the State’s interests. It is also interesting how this institution functions in the European Union? Because of the fact that the institution of the State’s liability, and in particular its effectiveness, is widely discussed in legal community, the main aim of the author is to take an attempt to answer the question which is posed in the topic.
Instytucja odpowiedzialności państwa za szkody wyrządzone przez funkcjonariuszy ma swoje korzenie w starożytnych systemach prawnych, w szczególności w prawie rzymskim. Ze względu na fakt, iż Rzymianie nie wyróżniali państwa jako osoby prawnej w dzisiejszym tego słowa znaczeniu, w sposób jasny wyjaśnia dlaczego winny urzędnik (łac. magistratus) ponosił osobistą odpowiedzialność za szkody wyrządzone przy wykonywaniu swoich obowiązków. W tym systemie prawnym, państwo w pełni chroniło swoje interesy, podczas gdy poszkodowani mogli pozywać tylko niektórych urzędników, co nie gwarantowało im (tj. poszkodowanym) skutecznej (prawnej i sądowej) ochrony. Na przestrzeni wieków, instytucja ta stopniowo ewoluowała od osobistej odpowiedzialności urzędnika do odpowiedzialności państwa, m.in. w Niemczech i w Polsce. Współcześnie, uczeni jak i praktykujący prawnicy zastanawiają się, czy obowiązujące przepisy prawne w obu państwach zapewniają skuteczną (prawną oraz sądową) ochronę za szkody wyrządzone przez funkcjonariuszy: poszkodowanemu względem państwa z jednej strony, a państwu względem winnego urzędnika z drugiej strony. Wydaje się, że nie ma zbyt wielu wątpliwości w odniesieniu do ochrony poszkodowanego, czego nie można stwierdzić w stosunku do ochrony interesów państwa. Zastanawiające jest również zagadnienie, w jaki sposób instytucja ta funkcjonuje w prawie Unii Europejskiej? Ponieważ obecnie instytucja odpowiedzialności państwa, a w szczególności jej skuteczność, jest szeroko dyskutowana w środowisku prawnym, głównym celem autorki jest podjęcie próby odpowiedzi na pytanie zawarte w tytule niniejszej publikacji.
This article examines the violation of third-party claims in the Austrian law of damages, specifically regarding real estate property. The central question is whether a person becomes liable for intentionally interfering with contractual rights when acquiring real estate property. In order to answer this question, I first discuss typical cases and give an overview on the topic from a comparative point of view. Then, I show that there are two conflicting opinions in the literature: The first argues that contractual rights are specifically protected legal positions within the financial assets of the creditor and that these are concrete and delimitable and therefore protected under § 1295 para 1 ABGB in case of intentional interference. The second argues that the contractual right is only a relative position, equal to mere financial interests, and is therefore only protected against particularly severe interference, especially when the tortfeasor acts contra bonus mores. Finally, I argue that the concept of a differentiated protection of legal interests and positive norms within the Austrian legal order support the first of the two opinions.
Článek analyzuje otázku porušení obligačních práv třetí strany podle rakouského deliktního práva, zejména ve vztahu k nemovitému majetku. Ústředním problémem je, zda ten, kdo úmyslně porušuje (poškozuje) smluvněobligační práva třetí osoby týkající se nabývání nemovitého majetku, je deliktně odpovědný. Pro zodpovězení této otázky je třeba prvně analyzovat typické případy takovýchto zásahů a podat srovnávací přehled způsobů jejich řešení. V literatuře existují dva základní koncepty k řešení této otázky. První z nich argumentuje tím, že smluvní obligační práva jsou zvláště chráněným právním statkem, a proto podléhají režimu § 1295 odst. 1 rakouského občanského zákoníku (ABGB), tedy deliktněprávní ochraně. Druhý názor tvrdí, že smluvní právo je právo relativní, a proto je chráněno jen proti zvlášť závažným zásahům, zejména jestliže škůdce jedná v rozporu s dobrými mravy. Článek na základě hodnocení obou koncepcí se přiklání k první z nich.
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