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Research background: A traditional form of state intervention in agriculture comprised regulating the rights to ownership. One of the often discussed aspects of regulations refers to those binding for foreigners. Purpose of the article: The objective of the article was to analyse the position (of the European Economic and Social Committee and the Polish legislator) regarding the phenomenon of purchasing agricultural property by foreigners as well as the opinions of farmers on the consequences for the agricultural land market resulting from ending the transitional period in Poland for purchasing agricultural property by foreigners as on 1 May 2016. Methods: Direct studies were conducted in 2015 among 86 farmers in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. Findings & Value added: The main reason for such a discussion conducted globally and in Europe is the phenomenon of excessive concentration and the use of land for non-agricultural purposes. Whereas, the European Economic and Social Committee indicates that in order to limit unfavourable practices in the EU member states, activities directed at preventing speculation, preserving local traditions and ensuring a proper usufruct of land should be permitted. The majority of farmers were afraid of the changes in the agricultural land market after the end of the transitional period in purchasing agricultural property by foreigners. They emphasised the above by expressing opinions on regulations binding in the transitional period and their effectiveness. With regard to the provisions of the Act of 5 August 2015, farmers were afraid of an increase in prices of agricultural land and the capital advantage of foreigners.
The limitation period plays a crucial role in any legal system. It is commonly used in the fields of criminal and civil law. As for the administrative law, the regulation was introduced partially and in an inconsistent way. The Polish Constitutional Court pointed out, that one cannot claim its right or even expectative for setting up the limitation period in the field of administrative law. Nonetheless, once introduced in the legal system, the limitation period has to fulfill the require- ments resulting from the Constitution. As for the energy law, the limitation period was introduced in 2015 by providing the reference to the provisions of Tax Code. However, the reference to the provisions of Tax Code concerning the limitation period were partially removed just one year later. The reform of Administrative Procedure Code introducing inter alia the rules for the limitation period of impos- ing and executing administrative penalties, was supposed to provide the general provisions applicable to all persons and legal entities. Nevertheless, due to the inconsistent regulations contained in multiple legal acts, such as the Energy Act, the usage of limitation period still casts doubt.
Państwa wchodzące w skład Grupy Wyszehradzkiej charakteryzują się zróżnicowanym poziomem rolniczym, co decydowało m.in. o tym, w którym momencie przestanie obowiązywać tzw. okres przejściowy na nabywanie gruntów rolnych przez obcokrajowców. Głównym celem napisania artykułu było zidentyfikowanie procesów zachodzących w poszczególnych państwach należących do Grupy Wyszehradzkiej w zakresie zmian zachodzących na tych rynkach w aspekcie znaczenia zasobu ziemi, a także dokonania przeglądu prawnych aspektów nabywania gruntów rolnych przez obcokrajowców. Stwierdzono, iż zakończenie okresów przejściowych w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej nie wpływa na obniżenie poziomu cen gruntów rolnych na krajowych rynkach. W ramach badań przeanalizowano przepisy prawa oraz przeprowadzono analizę danych statystycznych z bazy Eurostat, raportów IERiGŻ-PIB, a także raportów państwowych urzędów statystycznych badanych państw.
The countries included in the Visegrad Group are characterized by a diversified agricultural level, which determined when the so-called transition period for the acquisition of agricultural land by foreigners would cease. The main purpose of the article was to identify the processes taking place in individual countries belonging to the Visegrad Group within the scope of changes occurring on these markets in terms of the importance of the land resources as well as to carry out a review to the legal aspects of agricultural land acquisition by foreigners. It was found that the end of the transitional periods in the Visegrad countries does not impact the decrease of agricultural land prices within the national markets. The research is based on an analysis of legal regulations as well as analysis of statistical data from the Eurostat databases, IERiGŻ-PIB reports and statistical reports by offices of statistics of the studied countries.
The socio-political transition of the 1990s had a long-lasting impact on children who experienced the collapse of communism and the fall of the Iron Curtain. Contemporary Ukrainian children’s and YA literature offers vivid representations of post-communist childhood experiences in Ukraine. Writers like Zirka Menzatiuk and Olena Zakharchenko show emotions and experiences of children and their perception of ideological, cultural and social changes taking place in their society. The child and adolescent protagonists of these narratives grow up being shaped by the events taking place in their country. The generation of children raised in democratic Ukraine is shown as substantially different from older members of Ukrainian society. They are the first “free generation” that professes democratic values, presents active social positions, and defends human rights. Simultaneously, it also cares about their nation’s history, culture, and traditions. The article outlines contemporary Ukrainian children’s literature devoted to the socio-political transformations of the last 30 years, arguing that some ideological taboos are disappearing and the normative ideas about the behaviour of a growing-up child are changing.
Автор статьи предлагает читателям обзор современной украинской детской литера­туры, посвященной социально-политическим преобразованиям последних 30 лет. Социальнополитический переход 1990-х годов оказал длительное воздействие на детей, переживших крах коммунизма и падение «железного занавеса». Вопрос детства в посткоммунистической Украине хорошо отражен в современной литературе для детей и молодых взрослых. Такие писатели, как Зирка Мензатюк и Елена Захарченко, демонстрируют эмоции и опыт детей, а также восприятие ими идеологических, культурных и социальных изменений, происходящих в обществе. Дети и подростки, являющиеся главными героями их историй, формируются в результате событий, происходящих в их стране. Поколение детей, воспитанных в независимой Украине, является первым «свободным поколением», которое исповедует демократические ценности, занимает активную гражданскую позицию, защищает права человека, но по-прежнему заботится об истории, культуре и традициях страны.
W niniejszym artykule autorka podjęła próbę scharakteryzowania sposobu postrzegania i definiowania dorosłości przez młodych dorosłych. Celem przeprowadzonych badań było przyjrzenie się obszarom życia, które młodzi dorośli postrzegają jako sfery dorosłej aktywności, pierwszym doświadczeniom, związanym z wkraczaniem w dorosłość, a także sposobowi kategoryzowania przez młodych dorosłych pojęcia dorosłości; w sposób statyczny lub procesualny. Analizie podlegały różnorodne wymiary dorosłości, charakteryzowanej jako mozaika: dorosłość jako zjawisko obiektywne wobec podmiotu lub subiektywny fenomen, pierwsze doświadczenia dorosłości, definicje dorosłości tworzone przez badanych, a także postrzeganie dorosłości w perspektywie płci. W końcowej części artykułu autorka omawia koncepcję fragmentaryczności współczesnej dorosłości.
In this article, the author has made an attempt at characterising the perception and definition of adulthood by young adults. The aim of the research conducted was to examine the areas of life, which young adults perceive as areas of adult activity, the first experiences relating to entering adulthood, as well as the way young adults categorise adulthood, in a static or process-related way. Various dimensions of adulthood have been analysed, characterised as a mosaic: adulthood as an objective phenomenon in relation to the subject or a subjective phenomenon, the first experiences of adulthood, definitions of adulthood created by the subjects of the survey, as well as the perception of adulthood through a perspective of the sex of the person. In the last part of the article, the author describes the concept of a fragmentation of contemporary adulthood.
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