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The contribution deals with the Croatian population settled in South Moravia (Mikulov region) and Lesser Austria (Valtice region) at the time of Turkish incursions of the 16th century. In Moravia, the Croatians found their home in the villages of Jevišovka (former Frélichov, Frjélištorf), Dobré Pole (former Gutfjeld) and Nový Přerov (former Nova Prerava), in the environs of which only German inhabitants lived. Another group was settled 25 km further to the east, in the villages of Hlohovec, Charvátská Nová Ves and Poštorná, in the immediate neighbourhood of Czech-speaking inhabitants. In connection with national movement, Czech intellectuals critically evaluated the efforts of Austria to Germanize the Slavonic inhabitants living in the Empire, e.g. even the Croatians settled in the Valticko region. It was opened the issue of influence of the settled Croatians on folk culture in South Moravia (the ethnographic area of Podluží), in particular on men´s folk dress. A lot of ethnographers gave their opinion that Czech inhabitants took over some expressions of folk culture from the Croatians. Red trousers typical for men´s folk dress in the ethnographic area of Podluží since the mid-19th century until now are one of such examples. The author summarizes literature as well as written and iconographic sources concerning the above theme, showing that it was uniforms of Hungarian army and nobility that was a real model.
Kultura i Wychowanie
vol. 21
issue 1
The transmission of Jewish culture in families of Jewish heritage takes place in three ways: open, secret and hidden. With this article, I would like to answer two research questions: [1] how are the various elements of ethnic culture passed on in families of Jewish heritage? [2] which aspects of culture are included in the intergenerational message? The data were analysed using a linguistic-narrative method, and 12 young adults of Jewish origin took part in the research.
Transmisja kultury żydowskiej w rodzinach pochodzenia odbywa się na trzy sposoby: jawny, niejawny i ukryty. Artykuł stanowi odpowiedź na dwa pytania badawcze: [1] W jaki sposób w żydowskich rodzinach pochodzenia przekazywane są poszczególne elementy kultury etnicznej? [2] Które aspekty kultury stanowią treść międzygeneracyjnego przekazu? Przywołane dane analizowane były za pomocą językowo-narracyjnej metody, a w badaniach wzięło udział 12 młodych osób dorosłych pochodzenia żydowskiego.
The text presents thoughts of American philosopher of education Daniel R. DeNicola on liberal education contained in his book under the title „Learning to Flourishing. A Philosophical Exploration of Liberal Education”, published in 2012. He describes education realised in American Liberal Arts Colleges. Analysing paradigms in which liberal education developed and created its long and differentiated tradition, starting from the transmission of culture up to the skills of learning, DeNicola argues that none of them lost their validity. Building the thin (not thick) normative theory of liberal education aimed at the flourishing life, he states that we can still recall them all and rebuild the sense of that education. Its axiological distinctive features are freedom, autonomy, democracy and truth. DeNicola’s proposition is worth of discussing in Polish pedagogy where the prevalent equivalent of liberal education is general education. The main aims of the text are to strengthen the philosophical argument in favour of understanding general education more linked to liberal education because of its liberal elements, consequently to renew the sense of education as whole and finally to strengthen didactics philosophically.
Text raises an issue of transmission of culture in multigenerational rural families (generations young, average and older) in context of digital exclusion and distance between generations.
Tekst porusza zagadnienia międzygeneracyjnej transmisji kultury w rodzinie wiejskiej wielopokoleniowej w kontekście problemu cyfrowego wykluczenia i dystansu międzypokoleniowego.
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