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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie argues in her 2009 collection of short stories that in as much as brutal dictatorship together with extreme underdevelopment propel young Nigerians for immigration, inaccurate and often scandalizing media portrayal also has nonetheless an important share in the sad drama. Her drama proposes way of circumventing cultural reification caused by inaccurate media representation.
Human Affairs
vol. 20
issue 2
Rather than creating the appropriate social relations for the means of production, the perspective on development in Africa has hinged on "infrastructure for development" thus leading to underdevelopment. This is because the social relation of infrastructure for development is parasitic and thus cannot reproduce itself. What it does is to accumulate primitive capital for conspicuous consumption rather than the creation of reproductive capital. Consequently, a dependency relation with the source(s) of primitive capital accumulation is almost inevitable if the dominant group in the relationship, with its foundation in the acquisition of formal education, is to continue to subsist. Ironically, this incapacitates the subordinate group(s) as their recruitment processes are conditioned by the powerful ideological state, now global, apparatuses. The paper shows how this process works through the empirical examples of the acclaimed "success" story of Botswana and the perceived "failed" state of Nigeria.
Odpowiedzialność w działalności gospodarczej – zdaniem Jana Pawła II – może się urzeczywistniać jako prawda w ustroju gospodarczym, w którym podmiotowość i wolność pracy człowieka dominuje nad kapitałem oraz własnością narzędzi produkcji i ziemi. Jest to możliwe tylko w społeczeństwie, w którym istnieją wolność pracy, przedsiębiorczość i uczestnictwo. Celem artykułu jest poznanie przedsiębiorczości w świetle kryterium wolności i odpowiedzialności. Tezą opracowania jest uznanie odpowiedzialności jednostki, podmiotu, rządu, polityki za warunek konieczny do wykorzystania wolności. Koncepcja artykułu obejmuje spojrzenie na przedsiębiorczość jako czynnik wychodzenia z zacofania krajów, przy czym wskazano na rzadko podnoszoną kwestię naturalnych (geograficznych) barier bogactwa i zacofania, jakim jest położenie krajów na mapie świata. Paradygmat odpowiedzialności w gospodarce rozszerzono na naukę, w tym zwłaszcza na filozofię, która jest świadectwem myślenia i objaśnia możliwość wychodzenia człowieka z kryzysu nadziei, o wiele poważniejszego niż kryzys finansowy. Paradygmat wolności sprowadzono do zasady sprawiedliwości, uznając niesprawiedliwość za przyczynę nędzy narodów, a sprawiedliwość za warunek wykorzystania przedsiębiorczości w podnoszeniu bogactwa. Artykuł ma charakter koncepcyjny i teoretyczny, stanowi rozwinięcie problematyki przedsiębiorczości, podejmowanej już w innych publikacjach. Wartością dodaną artykułu jest wykorzystanie teorii zacofania Gerschenkrona, teorii bogactwa i nędzy Landesa, dorobku filozofii odpowiedzialności Tischnera oraz teorii sprawiedliwości de Soto oraz konstytucji wolności Hayeka, w zakresie, na jaki pozwoliła objętość artykułu.
According to John Paul II, responsibility in the economic activity can be realized as truth within the economic structure, in which subjectivity and freedom of labor prevails over capital and the ownership of production and land. This situation is possible in a society characterized by the existence of freedom of labor, entrepreneurship and participation. The goal of this article is to define and recognize entrepreneurship in the light of freedom and responsibility criteria. The thesis devised in this article acknowledges responsibility of a subject, government and policy as an essential condition for applying freedom. The concept of this article is based on the following viewpoint: entrepreneurship is a decisive factor in helping to overcome underdevelopment in many countries. It is worth mentioning that this article deals with issues that are often omitted in many elaborations, namely the geographic location of individual countries which is a natural barrier to development and wealth. The paradigm of economic responsibility has been extended into science, especially philosophy, which serves as the testimony of thinking and elucidates the possibility of a man’s fate crisis, which is subsequently more serious than a financial crisis. The freedom paradigm is defined on the basis of the justice principle, which means that injustice is the main cause of nations’ poverty, while justice is an essential condition for utilizing entrepreneurship as a factor that helps to attain wealth. This article is theoretical and conceptual, and constitutes development of entrepreneurship issues that have been already undertaken in numerous publications. The added value of this article is the application of Gerschenkron Underdevelopment Theory, Landes Wealth and Poverty Theory, the philosophical contribution of responsibility (Tischner) as well as de Soto Justice Theory and Hayek Freedom Constitution. The aforementioned issues are discussed in general, due to the volume restrictions of this article.
The main thesis of the book reviewed is an assumption that Poland and other countries of East-Central Europe suffer from a chronic underdevelopment, whose sources the Author is trying to find in the past. The review focuses on one of the two main themes of the book, i.e., leaving out the economic issues, it concentrates on the politics. The Author sets out to claim that only those countries develop correctly which have experienced absolute monarchy in their history. Referring to the idea of Ernst Kantorowicz, Jan Sowa assumes that such a political system is the only guarantee of stability and continuity of a country: on the death of the “physical body” of the king, his “political body” continues to last. In Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, because of the elective character of the monarchy and the claims of the nobility to play the role of the sovereign, the “political body” disappeared, and the country turned out to be a “phantom body.” For the Author, this means an atrophy of the country following the death of the last Jagiellonian king, Sigismund II Augustus. Between 1572 and 1795 there is no Polish statehood, since the Author regards the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as only an “illusion.” Both the theories presented above and the sources used to prove their correctness raise substantial doubts. The Author confuses basic notions, identifying sovereignty with absolutism, and he makes basic historical mistakes, regarding the Jagiellons’ throne in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland as hereditary, and also assuming the factual decay of statehood as early as in 16th century, with its symbolic confirmation in 18th century. He finds the grounds for his theories in political theology and psychoanalysis, using historical and legal historical sources to a very limited extent.
The aim of the article is to describe the contribution of Marian Małowist (1909–1988) – the Polish medievalist recognized by Immanuel Wallerstein as the initiator of the world-system-theory – in the development of the postcolonial studies. The paper presents the views of Marian Małowist on the role of Africa in the global trade system – his attempt to construct a model of postcolonial relations, the assumption of the “interdependence of regions” linking Europe with the countries of Western Sudan. The article also elaborates the methodology and historiosophy of the researcher of the non-European cultures, issues of dependency, progress and underdevelopment
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