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Undoubtedly, the essential pedagogic skills of a university teacher of technical subjects include high erudition in the field of didactic competences and regular self-reflection. For a teacher, that means existence of adequate level of knowledge and experience in the field of education theory, work including feedback and self-reflection. Self-reflection and didactic competence are closely interconnected, they are blended together. To be specific this means that awareness of progress of last education, its optimum and less successful parts, facilitates the teacher to plan future education, even with more efficient use of teaching resources. The interconnection of psycho-didactic competence and pedagogic self-reflection may be regarded as inseparable parts of pedagogic activities, which the teacher must do regularly if s/he wants to make his/her education in good quality.
Bez wątpienia, niezbędne umiejętności pedagogiczne nauczyciela akademickiego przedmiotów technicznych obejmują wysoką erudycję w zakresie kompetencji dydaktycznych i regularną autorefleksję. Dla nauczyciela, oznacza to istnienie odpowiedniego poziomu wiedzy i doświadczenia w dziedzinie teorii edukacji, pracy, w tym opinii i autorefleksji. Autorefleksja i kompetencje dydaktyczne są ze sobą ściśle powiązane, harmonizują ze sobą. Bycie znaczącym oznacza, świadomość postępu edukacji, jego poziomu optymalnego i mniej udanych obszarów, ułatwia to nauczycielowi planowanie przyszłego kształcenia, a nawet bardziej efektywne wykorzystanie zasobów dydaktycznych. Połączenie kompetencji psychodydaktycznych i pedagogicznej autorefleksji może być uznane jako nieodłączna część działań pedagogicznych, które nauczyciel musi wykonywać regularnie, jeśli on/ona chce, aby jego kształcenie było dobrej jakości.
Contemporary business education should place more emphasis on the development of a proactive attitude among students, engage their creativity in problem solving, shape their analytical competencies and hone their skills related to teamwork, discussion and decision-making. However, this requires the teacher to replace the conventional transmission-based manner of conducting classes with an approach that places the student’s activity at the center. Any shift towards designing educational opportunities and supporting students in the process of constructing their knowledge requires a change in the methodological skills of teachers in higher education. The aim of this article is to present skills related to designing and conducting classes from a constructivist point of view, with the use of strategic business simulation games. The tasks of a teacher using constructivism were examined on the basis of in-depth interviews with university teachers who use business games in their work with students. The present case study shows that when the research participants teach, they create educational opportunities which place their students in problem situations and encourage them to make a series of managerial decisions. They activate the students’ prior knowledge, allow them to make mistakes, stimulate interactions in the process of negotiating the meaning of the reality and support them in realizing the knowledge they acquire. The teachers create a context and immerse the students in running a virtual business, giving them an opportunity to build integrated and holistic knowledge. By giving their students autonomy, they teach them self-reliance and responsibility. It was observed in the analyzed narrations that, apart from a change in tools connected with using a business simulation, there was also a change in thinking about learning and teaching. What is of particular importance in this context is that these changes were accompanied by the teacher’s development and a transformation from someone who based their classes mainly on experience and intuition, into a reflective and conscious educator who not only understands the mechanisms of learning and teaching, but can also name and explain them.
The article is an attempt to identify the tendencies displayed by university teachers towards the adoption of e-learning solutions in the academic environment. The paper is divided into four main sections. Section one explains the theoretical assumptions behind remote education and the role of the university teacher, with behavioral component being considered the core element. Section two describes the research methodology and defines the original research tool used to measure the scale of concrete actions taken by university teachers in their embrace of e-learning. On the basis of the analysis of the results, the importance of further education of academic staff for the improvement of the quality of education was demonstrated, regardless of the place of residence or professed values. The concluding section sums up the findings and puts forward recommendations for higher-education institutions in the area of remote education in the academic environment.
In the article possibilities are revealed and advisability of andragogical approach to professional preparation of future university teachers of Master’s degree programme is substantiated. It is shown that professional preparation of future university teachers for Master’s Degree is aimed at the formation of competent experts. It preconditions the usage of the humanistic-oriented subject-subject learning model (andragogical) in which shifting aspects takes place both in the system of interaction between the Master’s Candidate and the university teacher, and in the professiogram of teacher personality. Considering the fact that a Master’s Candidate is an adult, it is specified that along with the systematic, human-centered and competency-based approach andragogical approach in learning becomes more appropriate. It is determined that the andragogical approach takes into consideration educational needs, social experiences and abilities of Master’s Candidates, gives them an opportunity to take an active part in planning, implementation, evaluation and altering the learning process, to be aware of their own responsibility for the learning outcomes, it allows to personalize the learning process, to increase its effectiveness. It is substantiated that one of the important functions of a university teacher is a function of andragogical subjectivity, which provides for implementation of teacher autonomy in learning activities, self realization based on reflection, «self-concept»; implementation of relationship to himself or herself as a person of action. Organizational and pedagogical conditions of andragogical approach implementation in university teacher preparation are distinguished, in particular, adherence to the andragogical principles of learning, creation of andragogical environment, development and application of andragogical technologies and learning methods, formation of andragogical competency of university teachers who prepare Master’s Candidates.
The aim of this paper is to present methodology and results of a quantitative phase within a research into English for Specific Purposes university teachers and their subjectively perceived changes in pedagogical content knowledge from a retrospective view of their professional beginnings. The introduction describes the investigated issues and explains key concepts. The first chapter refers to the theoretical background of teacher professional development. Since the quantitative research phase is a part of a mixed research design, the second chapter deals with the whole research including the research objective and questions. The third chapter is devoted to the quantitative research phase during which an anonymous electronic questionnaire was sent to the whole population of Czech university teachers of English for Specific Purposes and processed statistically as well as descriptively. The fourth chapter presents the obtained quantitative data discussed within the individual components of pedagogical content knowledge - conceptions of purposes for teaching subject matter, curricular knowledge, knowledge of instructional strategies, and knowledge of students’ understanding. The conclusion summarises all the information and proposes some recommendations for pedagogical practice.
Modern university should primarily teach students to think critically its purpose is to teach students to solve problems, to develop their entrepreneurial skills and more intense engagement with practice also seems desirable. Equally important is also the formation of the affective component of personality of students, active contribution to the development of their scale of values and the contribution to the development of values such as goodness, love, tolerance, understanding and so on. The author, in this paper deals, with the characteristics of the humanist-oriented university teacher and with the options of development of affective aspects of the personality of the student through the targeted categories.
The social and political transformations in Poland after the year 1989 have influenced all spheres oflife, including educational system. The job of the social group working in this sector is particularlyimportant in the light of changes taking place not only in economy and technology, but also in the worldof values. Teachers are facing new challenges, which are defined by contemporary pedeutology.Systemic change requires transformations in higher education, which focus, among others, onacademic staff. The university teachers are expected to become initiators and architects of transformations in educational reality. They should be characterized by authority based on professionalismand competence, have humanistic oriented personality, which manifests in the ability to respectstudents as well as other educational partners. They should be able to create interest among youngpeople and be able to win them over. They should also be characterized by creative and active attitude and responsibility. Pedeutology literature emphasizes also the role of a university teacher indevelopment of contemporary system of knowledge and values, as well as in development of personality of students. Their social and communication skills are particularly emphasized in this scope.As far as this publication is concerned, the aim of the study is to determine which features regarding personality, professionalism and attitude of the university teachers are decisive for theirimage perceived by the students at the faculty of Pedagogy, specialization „Integrated Pre-schooland Early School Education”. The research uses the method of diagnostic survey with the use ofsurvey questionnaire.
Przeobrażenia polityczno-społeczne w Polsce po 1989 r. wpływają na wszystkie obszary życia, nie omijając systemu edukacji. Praca grupy zawodowej zatrudnionej w tym sektorze nabiera szczególnego znaczenia w kontekście zmian dokonujących się nie tylko w gospodarce i technologii, ale i w świecie wartości. Przed nauczycielami stają nowe wyzwania definiowane przez współczesną pedeutologię. Zmiany systemowe wymuszają przeobrażenia w szkolnictwie wyższym koncentrujące się m.in. na kadrze akademickiej. Od nauczycieli szkół wyższych oczekuje się, iż staną się inicjatorami i architektami przekształceń rzeczywistości edukacyjnej. Powinni oni odznaczać się autorytetem opartym na profesjonalizmie i kompetentności, wykazywać humanistycznie zorientowaną osobowość wyrażającą się opanowaniem umiejętności okazywania szacunku studentom, a także innym partnerom działań edukacyjnych, zdolnością wzbudzania zainteresowania i zjednywania sobie młodych ludzi, twórczą i aktywną postawą oraz odpowiedzialnością. W literaturze pedeutologicznej podkreśla się również rolę nauczyciela szkoły wyższej w kształtowaniu współczesnego systemu wiedzy i wartości, a także w rozwijaniu osobowości studentów. Szczególnie akcentowane są w tym zakresie ich zdolności społeczne i komunikacyjne. W niniejszym opracowaniu celem badań jest ustalenie, jakie cechy dotyczące osobowości, profesjonalizmu i postaw nauczyciela akademickiego decydują o jego wizerunku w świadomości studentów kierunku pedagogika, specjalności edukacja przedszkolna i wczesnoszkolna. W badaniach wykorzystano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z zastosowaniem kwestionariusza ankiety.
W artykule autorki prezentują badanie pokazujące postrzeganie nauczycieli akademickich przez studentów oraz zestaw pożądanych cech, jaki powinni oni posiadać, a także katalog oczekiwań studentów, które powinni spełniać nauczyciele akademiccy.
In this paper the authors present a study showing the perception of teachers by students and a set of desirable features that they should have, and a catalogue of students’ which the academic staff should meet.
Вітчизняна система вищої освіти проходить шлях оновлення, спрямованого на інтернаціоналізацію вищої освіти та культурну інтеграцію викладачів різних країн, підвищення якості вищої освіти за міжнародними освітніми стандартами. Інтеграція вищої освіти України у світовий освітній простір та подальший розвиток міжнародного обміну людським капіталом потребує модернізації, у тому числі системи академічної мобільності у системі вищої освіти. З кожним роком програми академічної мобільності розширюють кількість учасників, як за рахунок вітчизняних, так і закордонних вищих навчальних закладів. Академічна мобільність є одним із найважливіших аспектів інтеграції українських вищих навчальних закладів у міжнародний освітній простір та чинником особистісного та професійного розвитку викладача, оскільки ставить його до аналізу та вирішення життєвих ситуацій з власної та інших культур. Водночас академічна мобільність є важливою для особистісного та професійного розвитку педагога, оскільки ставить його в умови аналізу та вирішення життєвих ситуацій з позиції власної та інших культур. Це сприяє розвитку вміння мислити в порівняльному аспекті; вміння обирати способи взаємодії з урахуванням особливостей іншої культури; готовність до міжкультурної комунікації; поглиблює знання про іншу культуру. Участь викладачів у програмах академічної мобільності дає їм можливість підвищувати свою кваліфікацію, постійно розвиватися професійно, знайомитися з методикою викладання в університетах за кордоном, розвивати особистісний та професійний потенціал. В Україні академічна мобільність науково-педагогічних працівників регулюється законодавством і включає відповідне оновлення державного законодавства про вищу освіту (Закон України «Про вищу освіту», постанова Кабінету Міністрів України «Положення про здійснення право на академічну мобільність»).
The domestic system of higher education is undergoing a path of renewal, aimed at the internationalization of higher education and cultural integration of teachers from different countries, improving the quality of higher education according to international educational standards. The integration of Ukraine’s higher education into the world educational space and the consequent development of international human capital exchange need to be modernized, including the system of academic mobility in the higher education system. Every year academic mobility programs expand the number of participants, both at the expense of domestic and foreign higher education institutions. Academic mobility is one of the most important aspects of integrating Ukrainian higher education institutions into the international educational space and a factor in the personal and professional development of teachers, as it puts him in the analysis and solution of life situations from their own and other cultures. At the same time, academic mobility is important for the personal and professional development of the teacher, as it puts him in the conditions of analysis and solution of life situations from the standpoint of their own and other cultures. This promotes the development of the ability to think in a comparative aspect; the ability to choose ways of interaction taking into account the peculiarities of another culture; readiness for intercultural communication; deepens knowledge of another culture. Participation of teachers in academic mobility programs gives them the opportunity to improve their skills, constantly develop professionally, get acquainted with teaching methods at universities abroad, develop personal and professional potential. In Ukraine, the academic mobility of research and teaching staff is regulated by legislation and includes a corresponding update of state legislation on higher education (Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «Regulations on the exercise of the right to academic mobility»).
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