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2009 | 1 | 169-185

Article title

SOCIAL-CLASS POSITION AND VALUES ORIENTATIONS (Sotsialno-klasovi pozytsii ta tsinnisni orientatsii)

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The purpose of the paper is to investigate the relationship between a class position and values orientations. At the first stage, the factor analysis was used for each of studied models. The 1st model includes 29 variables and represents social orientations of respondents. The 2nd model displays a self-estimation / self-perception in 33 variables including 21 indicators developed by S.H.Schwarz. The 3rd model describes the satisfaction in various aspects of life (11 variables). The value system structures of Ukrainian and Russian citizens are compared, namely: social orientations, self-assessment / self-perception and satisfaction in life. At the second stage, the authoress has revealed some differences between Russia and Ukraine by means of variance analysis. Thus, in Ukraine, the higher is the class position, the lower is the degree of anxiety and the higher is the degree of social acknowledgement, confidence in own forces, satisfaction both in life and work. On the other hand, in Russia, the higher is the class position, the higher is the degree of anxiety and the higher is the social acknowledgement, as well as satisfaction both in life and work. Furthermore, the people occupying high class positions are characterized by such features, as uncertainty in own forces, lack of self-confidence and need for self-affirmation.


  • Anzhela Patrakova, Institut sotsiologii NAN Ukrainy, vul. Shovkovychna 12, 01021, Kyiv, Ukraine


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Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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