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2007 | 10 | 81-88

Article title

THE CRITICAL REFLECTIONS ON CONSUMPTIONISM AND THE MASS CULTURE (Konsumpcjonizm i kultura masowa. Krytyczna refleksja)

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The essay presents author's reflections on the subject of mass culture and its role to contemporary societies. Its focus point is the mechanisms of creating the illusion of freedom and free choice in the mass culture. The author describes the constraints of free participation in mass culture, such as: receivers' educational level, culture restrictions (social norms, tradition), economic barriers (country and society living standard as well as mass broadcasting costs that lead to prevalence of international corporations). The author concludes that the democratic state, being responsible for human and social capital creation should not be indifferent to actions of huge private media corporations and the contents of broadcasted programs. The state should take an active part in media order creation. It means the need of regulations and active role (for example in watch-dog activities) of the civic organizations.



  • Witold Nieciunski, Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomiczna w Bialymstoku, ul. Choroszczanska 31, 15-732 Bialystok, Poland


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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