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2010 | 36 | 1 | 37-49

Article title

Postrzegane relacje rodzice-dzieci a realizacja zadań rozwojowych okresu dorastania

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Observed Parenting Practices vs. the Realization of Developmental Tasks in Adolescence

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The problem focused on is the relationship of maternal and paternal parenting behavior in adolescence to developmental tasks in families with alcohol problems and in non-problems families. In alcoholic families, drinking leads to multiple family stressors including disrupted parenting characterized by a lack of love and poor discipline. In the present work it is assumed that observed parenting practices would be one of important risk or protective factors in families with adolescents. The first question addressed was whether children from non-problems families differ from children of alcoholics according to the parenting practice. The next question addressed was whether the specific family context was associated with an adolescent's development. Participants included 61 children aged 17-18. The research sample comprised two groups: 31 children of drinking alcoholics and 30 children of non-alcoholic parents. In general, the results of the present study suggest that the lack of love and poor control are significant risk factors during adolescence, specially in alcoholic families.









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