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2010 | 2 | 28-48

Article title

DEMISTIFICATION OF 'NEW ECONOMY' AND A PROBLEM OF UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE USA AND EUROPEAN UNION UNDER CONDITIONS OF GLOBAL CRISIS (Demistyfikatsia 'novoi ekonomiky' i problema bezrobittia u S.Sh.A. ta Yevrosoiuzi za umov globalnoi kryzy)

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The paper is devoted to the study of influence of the present global financial and economic crisis on the man-power market and socio-economic position of working people in the USA and countries-members of the European Union. Special attention is paid to aggravation of the problem of unemployment in the above mentioned countries under the effect of crisis phenomena in the global economy and social consequences of employment reduction in the course of the crisis period. The author analyses the man-power market regulation in the USA and EU countries, makes a comparative analysis of unemployment dynamics in the New and Old World, demonstrates the relative and absolute let-down of the American and European working class position as a result of the crisis. The author shows on concrete examples the groundlessness of numerous myths of the so-called new economy which supposedly writes off the cyclic fluctuations of the capitalist production to the historical archives. He also investigates a virtual character of the informational economy and consequences of financialization of the USA and EU economy in the context of introduction of the neo-liberal model of economic development in the capitalist world. Basing on the analysis of the present situation in the world the author comes to a conclusion about the system character of the first global financial and economic crisis, the downfall of the neo-liberal models of the capitalist development on the turn of the 21st century and urgent necessity of its refusal for the sake of the search and realization of more progressive, humane, democratic and just method of social production and development.


  • Anatolii Arseyenko, Institute of Sociology, NAS of Ukraine, vul. Shovkovychna 12, Kyiv, 01021, Ukraine


Document Type

Publication order reference


CEJSH db identifier

YADDA identifier

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