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2010 | 6 | 3 | 21-23

Article title

Creating multi-modal logistics centers: Prospect for development in Central Asia


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All we have witnessed several summits of the so-called G-20 to overcome the crisis and attempt to delineate the ”look” of new rules of the emerging new world economic system. However, according to many experts, these rules will not be able to radically change the current system of economic relations, which is based on the processes of globalization and economic interpenetration of the world. One can list the many elements of the system. Among them, as a manifestation of a growing specialization of production, and deepening of cooperative relations in the world the special role is played by multi-modal logistics centers (MLC), of both regional and global concern. If stock and commodity exchanges are the link in the global economy, meanwhile a multimodal logistics centers serve as their practical and technical support.








Physical description


  • University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Uzbekistan
  • Prague Development Center s.r.o., Bořivojova 1081 / 40, 130 00, Prague 3 - Žižkov, Czech Republic


  • Anderson, D., House, R., “Logistics and material handling systems in the U.S.: Trends and future outlook,” Logistics perspective, July 2000
  • Ha, Dong-Woo, 2002. “Present and future developments of ports in Asia and the Pacific,” paper presented at the 17th International Conference of Korea Port Economic Association, Yosu, Korea, June 28-29
  • Hayes, J., 2002. “Global trends of logistics services in port areas,” paper presented at the Regional Seminar on Commercial Development of Ports as Logistics Centres, Bangkok, Thailand, July 11-12
  • Korea Maritime Institute, 2000. A study on introducing customs free zone in Korean ports, May
  • OECD, 2007. OECD Trilog Asia-Pacific Task Force, Logistics Integration in the Asia-Pacific Region, Institute of Highway Economics
  • UNCTAD, 2006; 2008. World Investment Report, Geneva: United Nations

Document Type

Publication order reference

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