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2019 | 26(2) | 9-11

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More and more cities and metropolises are now operating according to the development concept of the so-called “smart city”. The assumptions and practical solutions that concern building and functioning of smart cities are connected with the need to identify and characterise both economic and social problems against the background of spatial and environmental reality. The analysis of the above issues should also provide for the place for the development of tourism and recreation, considering both the nature of the offer itself in this scope, and especially internal promotion, addressed to the residents of the metropolis. The development of services in the tourism and recreation sector is gradually becoming one of the important components of improving the quality of life, which is evidenced, i.a. by creation of related comprehensive programmes financed by local governments.The above issues cover a wide range of issues concerning the most important phenomena and processes related to development opportunities and trends in tourism and recreation in metropolises, as evidenced by a variety of articles contained in this issue of the “Studia Periegetica” journal. It discusses issues related to the impact of tourism on the economy of cities, the phenomenon of overtourism, attributes of images of the selected cities, as well as identification of organizational cultures in hotels. Attention was also drawn to the specificity and quality of tourist services in relation to selected social groups: senior citizens – indicating the role of e-services in meeting their needs, including those related to e-tourism and people with disabilities, elderly people and visitors with children – explaining the assumptions of developing a catalogue of criteria for assessing the accessibility of cultural heritage sites as tourist attractions from the point of view of their needs.Anna Dąbrowska, Mirosława Janoś-Kresło and Adrian Lubowiecki-Vikuk in the article entitled Older people as participants in the market of selected e-services drew attention to the necessity of shaping consumer awareness in the oldest social group. The authors pointed out that the use of e-services may have a more and more commonly significant impact on meeting the needs of the 60+ age group, not only in terms of basic needs, but also in terms of those of a higher order, which undoubtedly include e-tourism. Therefore, the aim of the study is to identify the behaviours of senior citizens on the market of e-services in Poland.In turn, Zygmunt Kruczek and Leszek Mazanek drew attention to the growing economic impact of the city's tourism function on the economy of Kraków, which is related to its growing position on the domestic and international tourism market and the systematic increase in the number of visitors. In the article entitled Kraków as a tourist metropolitan area. Impact of tourism on the economy of the city, authors analyse the impact of tourism on the economy of the city, generated income from tourism, volume of tourism and the opinions of visitors on the city. An important aspect of the analysis is also the motives for visiting Kraków and the satisfaction of staying in the city.In the article Overtourism vs. sustainable development of tourism. Attempts to manage overtourism on the example of Venice Małgorzata Kryczka refers to the increasingly common phenomenon of excessive tourism in a popular destination, which is incompatible with the concept of sustainable development. The author chose Venice as a case study in the field of destination management methods in the context of overtourism and clearly points out that due to the fact that a systemic solution has not yet been developed for this phenomenon, the only reasonable solution is its proper management.The aim of the authors of the article Comparison of Poznań, Wrocław and Bratislava image attributes in the reviews published on TripAdvisor is to identify unique attributes of the image of the above-mentioned cities. Marek Nowacki and Agnieszka Niezgoda analysed the opinions published on the English-language portal TripAdvisor.co.uk, which allowed to reveal the unique attributes of each city. Significant differences in the affective dimension of the image between the cities through the analysis of sentiment (resonance) have also been shown. In the opinion of the authors, the comparison of image attributes between individual cities may help in the process of analysing their competitiveness as tourist destinations.In turn Daniel Puciato and Gracjana Pławiak, attempted to identify organisational cultures present in Opole hotels. In the article entitled Organisational culture of Opole hotels it was pointed out, i.a. that in the examined hotels dominate organizational cultures oriented on power and goals, and their main component are values. The authors also did not notice any significant relations between the type of organizational cultures and functional features of hotel enterprises. Conducting further, in-depth research on the issue of organizational cultures of contemporary hotels was considered as a necessary activity.In the study entitled Development of a catalogue of criteria for assessing the accessibility of cultural heritage sites, Alina Zajadacz and Anna Lubarska discussed the concept of accessibility and the barriers and limitations that may exist in cultural heritage objects from the perspective of the needs of people with disabilities, elderly people and visitors with children. The authors also present the assumptions for developing a catalogue of criteria for assessing the accessibility of objects on the example of the case study of the Piast Trail. According to the authors, the above content may not only constitute a knowledge base useful in the process of providing equal opportunities in access to historical and cultural heritage, but also serves as guidelines for improving the quality of services in tourist facilities.Joanna Łuczak PhD







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