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2017 | 38 | 155-184

Article title

Zubowice, pow. zamojski, stan. 1 – brązowa situla z grobu kultury przeworskiej świadectwem kontaktów wzdłuż tzw. „szlaku bastarneńskiego”?


Title variants

Zubowice, Zamość district, site 1 – a bronze situla from the grave of the Przeworsk culture as evidence of contacts along the so-called “Bastarnae route”

Languages of publication



In the spring of 1975, a bronze vessel covered with a clay bowl, an example of Przeworsk culture crematory burial, was found north of the town of Zubowice. The burial also contained fragments of a K-type fibula (according to J. Kostrzewski’s classification), three rivets resembling those of shield umbo, the shaft of the pole spear, and possibly the spearhead, which is missing. Bronze situla from Zubowice belongs to a group of hybrids combining the traditions of La Tène and Roman cultures. Such hybrids probably originated in the newly established Roman provinces. However, it cannot be ruled out that some of them were imitations made outside the Roman territories. It is possible that the Zubowice situla authenticates the influx of bronze vessels from the Romanised Celtic environment through the areas occupied by the Poieneşti-Lucăşeuca culture, associated with the ancient people of Bastarnae.


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