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2014 | 2 | 144-155

Article title

Citizen Journalism jako nowa forma autoekspresji w świecie cyfrowym. Szanse i zagrożenia

Title variants

Citizen Journalism as a new form of self‑expression in the digital world. Opportunities and threats

Languages of publication



Its beginnings journalism was based on the professionalism of people educated in this area. Now, following the technological advances, they have to take into Citizen Journalism account the activity and demands of citizen‑reporters, who are often in the right place at the right time. Citizen journalism has its roots in the Internet. For this reason active and interactive Internet users are no longer passive receivers, but have become creators and critics of information. This development has changed the relationship between the journalist and the reader. The current article synthetically presents different forms of citizen journalism. Although these forms are quite new, they have not avoided numerous critique. Specialists in this area assert that currently disinformation is much more prevalent than opinions of experts. Such situation may lead to a destruction of the whole system of traditional media and at the same time create “culture of digital narcissism, in which we ourselves will become news or information on the Internet”.


  • Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii, Al. Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin, Poland


Document Type

Publication order reference



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