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2013 | 5 (52) | 71-82

Article title

Wykorzystanie internetu w kształtowaniu relacji inwestorskich. Perspektywa spółek notowanych na GPW w Warszawie



Title variants

Using Internet for creating investor relations

Languages of publication



The article presents the opportunities offered by the use of Internet for creating investor relations, whose development, that can be noticed in recent years, has been juxtaposed with the changes at capital markets, particularly in the area of corporate governance. The meaning of investor relations was compared with the requirements binding in Poland and was illustrated by the practices of the WSE listed companies. The first part of the paper discusses the investor relations and points to their functions, tasks and the role in corporate governance system. The benefits from using Internet for creating investor relations in order to improve the transparency of listed companies and to increase the activity of shareholders were described in the second part of the article. Finally, in the third part the author presents the practices of selected Polish WSE listed companies in the context of using websites for creating investor relations.






Physical description


  • Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie


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