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2014 | 11(18) | 55-66

Article title

Bohater, wojownik i panna: użycie archetypów i mitów w stworzeniu wizerunku ukraińskich polityków



Title variants

Hero, Warrior and Virgin: Using Archetypes and Myths for Producing the Images of the Ukrainian Politicians

Languages of publication



An important role in the process of image cultivation is played by the technologies, related to the appeal to the archaic layers of mass consciousness, in particular, to the use of archetypes. Analysis of the images of the leading Ukrainian politicians – Arseniy Yacenyuk, Yuliya Timoshenko and Vitaliy Klichko – in 2009–2014 testifies that all of them used as a basis of image-building the archetypes of Hero and Warrior in different variations, such as Hero-warrior, Cultural hero, Lady-warrior. The progress of the use of this technology depends significantly on the personal qualities of each politician, as well as on the social and the political circumstances.





Physical description


  • Lwowski Państwowy Uniwersytet Bezpieczeństwa Życia


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