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2013 | 5 (52) | 48-55

Article title

Internet efektywną przestrzenią edukacyjną


Title variants

Internet as an effective educational space

Languages of publication



The purpose of this article is to find the answers to the question whether the Internet is an effective educational space? In particular, does it offer the tools and resources which enable to achieve educational purposes desired by modern society and simultaneously minimize the negative effects of "immersion in the Web”, which are commonly described? The text is based on a qualitative research in which the author has reviewed, tested and evaluated various websites and online tools. Several groups which meet the abovementioned criteria have been distinguished. The usefulness of educational resources has been confirmed by the results of the work of students who had regularly been receiving tasks that required specific use of these resources. The author concluded that the allegations that the educational use of the Internet is harmful are mainly due to the study only of the unprofessional and inconsiderate use of net resources that skips the learning outcomes based on an active and creative use of the wealth of the Internet.






Physical description


  • Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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