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2014 | 165 | 47-56

Article title

Aktywność organizacji pozarządowych wobec wymogów sprawności działania sektora biznesowego transportu



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The activities of the business sector freight transportation is the process of production as a result of which a product called the transport service is formed. Considering the degree of entities involvement in performing of the transport service, transport services can be exist on the market as: - transport operators who offers transport services based on fixed contracts, - carriers, performing irregular under the contract transport service - forwarding agents, who organize the process of cargo's movement. These entities operate in a market economy, they need to determine the purpose of their activity. It is recognized that the main aim of the company, which is operating in the business sector, is striving to increase its value. These companies are guided by economic premises and are defined as for-profit entities. They are the opposite of non-governmental organizations which are non-profit-oriented, and are carried out in order to provide important social needs. The main forms of non-governmental organizations, recognized by the legislature, are foundations and associations. Their efficiency is characterized by relative cheapness and commitment - through volunteering - of some people who participate in it. This raises the issue, what are the roles of the third sector organizations to advanced forms of business operation on the transport market. NGOs in particular are not able to compete with the efficiency of pro-profit sector's management. Their activity can take the form of complementary activities. In the freight transportation market NGOs can take specialized functions as forwarding agents offering special freight's transport or socially incidental movement. This is due to the fact that freight transport market is also characterized highly customized and unique cyclically needs. Their performance requires original channels' creation. However, since the value of these services is relatively low, transport operators and forwarding agents, are not existed in a sustainable way on this market. NGOs can operate as organizers. Absolute condition, for the possibility of the tasks' realization in the fright transportation market is a NGOs activities' constant budget financing. Therefore, there is an absolute need to anticipate the roles of such units in various sizes transport development policy.






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