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2012 | Tom IX (L), fasc. B | 145-150

Article title

Krzemienne groty strzał jako przykład wyznacznika początków epoki brązu na stanowisku 1 w Suchaczu, gm. Tolkmicko, woj. warmińsko-mazurskie

Title variants

Flint Arrowheads as an Example of an Indicator of the Beginning of the Bronze Age at Site 1 in Suchacz, the Tolkmicko Commune, the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship

Languages of publication



Site 1 in Suchacz, known as a settlement of the Rzucewo Culture, was excavated in the 1930s (EHRLICH 1934; 1936) and in the first half of the 1980s (MAZUROWSKI 1987). The entire assemblage of finds from these excavations has never undergone a comprehensive analysis; it was only related in an arbitrary way to the Rzucewo Culture. Such an assessment corresponded to the stratigraphy ofthe site. It was hard to interpret in an unequivocal manner and it rendered establishing of the relative chronology of the site difficult. A similar stratigraphic situation was also noti¬ced in the course of pre-1945 excavations of the settlement in Rzucewo. As a consequence, it led to an identification of the syncretistic Rzucewo Culture (cf. ŻUREK 1954). However, a recent stratigraphic analysis of the epo-nymous settlement revealed the existence of non-contem¬porary settlement levels, related to several cultural units (cf. KRÓL, SCHILD 2009). The stratigraphic situation at Suchacz was not favourable for drawing similar conclusions. only the most numerous category of portable finds (pottery and flint artefacts) may offer a basis for establishing the relative chronology of this site. Among these finds there are 7 flint arrowheads (Fig. 1:1-7), which were found in the cultural layer during the excavations in the 1980s. These arrowheads indicate the Early Bronze Age period of occupancy of the settlement. The mentioned arrowheads are local products, made from locally available erratic flint. Their present morphology is an effect of reduction which originated in result of repairing damages before the artefacts were eventually worn out. Furthermore, morphological traits of these points combine elements which are characteristic for arrowheads found in inventories of Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age cultures, with a preponderance ofthe latter traits. The concept of the shape of a majority of analysed blades is a derivate of the “Bell Beaker” impact (the Iwno Culture). Therefore, they belong to an intercultural arrowheads type of similar morphology, found in different taxonomic units of the Early Bronze Age, resulting from direct or indirect effects of the Bell Beaker Culture.






Physical description



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