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2010 | 150 | 71-86

Article title

Czy finansista jest człowiekiem (moralnym)?



Title variants

Is a Financier a (Moral) Human Being?

Languages of publication



The title of the article could suggest the author’s assumption that a fi nancier is a human being, and the essence of the question pertains solely to whether he / she is a moral being or not. Actually, however, the text is also an attempt to answer a much more iconoclastic question: Can a model financier be considered a human being with the use of ideas and characteristics of philosophical anthropology? While taking trouble to answer both questions, the author comes to a conclusion that from a perspective of anthropological concepts it is quite difficult to regard a model homo pecuniosus as homo sapiens. Moreover, certain concepts of ethics question considering homo pecuniosus as moral human being. The main reasons of those doubts include essential features of a model homo pecuniosus, such as: uncontrollable inclination to counting, unlimited greed to possess, strong desire of power, a radical technocratic rationalism attitude, uttermost individualism, incapability of emotions, lack of sense of community feeling, moral indifferentism, and excessive inclination to risk.


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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