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2019 | vol. 63, nr 11 | 55-70

Article title

Ekosystem startupowy w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Wrocławia


Title variants

Startup ecosystem in Visegrad Group countries with a special focus on Wroclaw

Languages of publication



The aim of the article is to characterize the startup ecosystem in the Visegrad Group countries. Particular attention was paid to Wroclaw, which is one of the main startup hubs, a place where such units are found in abundance. As a research method, the analysis of available literature was used − both including items of a theoretical nature, ordering and defining the studied issues, as well as containing the results of empirical research. The startup ecosystem of the Visegrad Group countries has significant development potential. Although these countries are included in the category of emerging ecosystems, it should be recognized that actions taken both at the national and supranational level, in an appropriate way direct the growth of this sector of the economy. Confirmation of this thesis is a distribution of various startup features similar in many respects to the EU average, and above all − the functioning of at least several important hubs here, in particular in Wrocław.


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