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2012 | 3(21) | 563-594

Article title

Istota postępowania zabezpieczającego w świetle Ustawy o postępowaniu egzekucyjnym w administracji


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The topic of this paper is the administrative procedure of security as regulated by the law from June 17, 1966 on enforcement proceedings in administration. In essence, the security procedure, considered as either an administrative process or an civil law one, is sort of an supportive (auxiliary) function with respect to the main enforcement procedure. Therefore it plays a key role in the system of protection of creditors’ (lenders’) rights, as it enables steps increasing chances of later satisfying of creditors’ (lenders’) demands. The main objective of this system of protection of creditors’ (lenders’) rights it not to enforcement an obligation per se but ensuring that the debtor satisfies relevant obligations. The author analyzes topics related to range of subjective and objective and to forms and security of the procedure of enforcement. The article contains analysis of the current regulations, including jurisdiction and doctrine.



  • Uniwersytet Jagielloński


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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