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2013 | 3(16) | 36-47

Article title

Pomiar kultury organizacyjnej jako determinanty programów zarządzania talentami



Title variants

Measuring organizational culture as talent management program contingencies

Languages of publication



While talent management programs are well described in the literature, little is known about factors influencing their shape. The aim of the paper is to propose a method of organizational culture measurement tool that would fit talent management programs specificity. On the basis of critical analysis of qualitative research results conducted in 2011 and 2012 regarding talent management in organizations, I identified criteria which should be met by the organizational culture measurement tool. On the basis of analysis of chosen organizational culture measurement tools confronted with previously identified criteria, I recommend the most adequate tool from the perspective of talent management programs specificity. In the final part I suggest the way of tool adaptation for Polish conditions and draw implications for theory.





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  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach


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