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2012 | 1 | 99-106

Article title

On the Morphology of Proverbs in Afrikaans and Dutch


Title variants

Languages of publication



Afrikaans, being very closely related to Dutch, inherited from Dutch not only almost all its vocabulary, but also numerous phraseologisms and proverbs. Then, due to the process of deflection, its morphological system was radically simplified. The very paper, applying a morphology-oriented research perspective, discusses the way in which Afrikaans proverbs differ from Dutch proverbs. The research material of the study is based upon Anton F. Prinsloo’s Spreekwoorde en waar hulle vandaan kom (Kaapstad 2005). This dictionary was chosen to conduct the study because of the fact that it contains a representative collection of proverbs and phraseologisms of the contemporary Afrikaans language. The research under discussion is limited to Afrikaans adages that derive from Dutch. The method of the analysis is a comparative one. Afrikaans proverbs are compared with their Dutch equivalents.


  • Wrocław University
  • Opole University


  • Conradie, Charl Jacobus (1986) Taalgeskiedenis. Kaapstad: Pretoria.
  • Cox, Heinrich Leonard (2000) Van Dale Spreekwoordenboek: Nederlands, Fries, Afrikaans, Engels, Duits, Frans, Spaans, Latijn. Utrecht: Van Dale Lexicografie.
  • Donaldson, Bruce C. (1981) Dutch Reference Grammar. Gravenhage: Nijhoff.
  • Haeseryn, Walter, G. Geerts, J. de Rooij, M. van der Toorn (1997) Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst. Groningen: Deurne.
  • Harrebomée, Pieter Jacob (1990) Spreekwoordenboek der Nederlandse taal. Hoevelaken: Ruitenberg Boek.
  • Nys, Rolf (1998) “Syllabusontwikkeling: Afrikaans voor Nederlandstaligen.” [In:] Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 93. Anwerpen: Universiteit Anwerpen.
  • Ponelis, Friedrich Albert (1990) Historiese klankleer van Afrikaans. Stellenbosch: Universiteit van Stellenbosch Annale 1990/1.
  • Prędota, Stanisław (2011) “On the Morphology of Dutch and Afrikaans.” [In:] Piotr P. Chruszczewski, Zdzisław Wąsik (eds.) (2011) Languages in Contact. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Filologicznej we Wrocławiu; 143–152.
  • Prinsloo, Anton F. (2005) Spreekwoorde en waar hulle vandaan kom. Kaapstad. Pharos.
  • Raidt, Edith (1983) Einführung in die Geschichte und Struktur des Afrikaans. Darmstadt.
  • Van Schoor, J. L. (1994) Die grammatica van Standaard-Afrikaans, Kaapstad: Lex Patria.

Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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