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2015 | 3(47) | 107-113

Article title


Title variants

Modern requirements for high school teachers: overview of the tendencies of the world pedagogical practice

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The paper addresses the problem of raising efficacy of a university lecturer and professor of the day. It investigates the advanced pedagogical experience of the developed countries in professional training of the faculty for higher education and updating their professional skills. It aims at both an educational policy-maker, a university administrator and a lecturer who develops the policy of the higher educational establishment concerning the reforms in the curriculum, introduction of new effective teaching methods and research techniques able to motivate the students to reach the objectives of higher education in Ukraine. The previous studies of Ukrainian researchers in the sphere have shown a gap between the requirements set to the university faculty and the out-of-date system of professional training in Ukraine. It results that the students who can afford studying in foreign universities choose to cross the borders to get a degree, which will guarantee their employability. It is also found that while the educational reforms urgency completion is stressed their success implies changing both external and internal factors influencing the process at different levels, from a lecturer internal motivation to the state political, economic and cultural reforms. However, there is no recent research on the objectives that should be targeted at when constructing an up-to-date training program for university lecturers and those who have to carry out the reforms. The current study has sought to present qualitative analysis of the research data collected by our foreign counterparts in the countries with evidently higher educational standards and advanced pedagogical practices to realize the contemporary requirements to lecturers, their professional expertise, skills and abilities so that to review the content and forms of training process in Ukraine and set new objectives. The findings have revealed that a university lecturer and professor should possess a much broader set of skills and an ability to perform social roles that have not been considered in professional training under the previous régimes. The practical applications of the research are new goals that have to be set in progressive curricula to train a highly skilled educator to keep pace with the developed world and compete in the world market of higher education.



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