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2015 | 4(48) | 347-355

Article title


Title variants

Technologies of Formation of Preparedness to the Innovation Activity of the Future Leaders of Educational Institution by Means of the Competency Approach

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In the article there are the uncovered possibilities of the competency approach in the formation of the preparedness to the innovation activity of the future leaders of educational institutions. In the process of the research there has been held the interview of the undergraduates – future leaders of educational institutions where they were offered to estimate the level of their own knowledge, skills and experience in the innovational management activity. The results of the interview have proved that the level of preparedness of the future leaders of educational institutions to the realization of the innovations is insufficient. The identified in the interview and in the process of the further intercourse the motivation, knowledge, activity gaps in the professional competence of the future leaders of educational institutions have confirmed the relevance of the study. The author reveals the technology of the preparedness of the undergraduates in accordance with the educational and professional program «Management of Educational Institutions». The defined technology widely uses interactive methods of education, fixing the theory is provided during the practical managing training; the diagnostic tools of the technology allow testing successfully the progress of the formation of the basic competences of the students-undergraduates. The result of the formed preparedness to the innovational activity of the future leaders of educational institutions should become the skill to solve the following professional problems of professional management:  to realize the psychological and pedagogical provision of the process of the implementation of the innovational educational program and techniques into the pedagogical process of the educational institutions;  to direct work with the pedagogical staff of the educational institution as to the changes of the stereotyped behavior in the direction of the formation of the preparedness to the upheavals and innovations;  to be able to conduct the process of projecting together with the pedagogues of the educational institution of the individual trajectories of the rise of their qualification for the sake of the participation in the innovational activity and the realization of the innovational projects in the sphere of education;  to take part in the assessment of the educational projects and the innovational pedagogical techniques from the point of view of their correspondence to the modern scientific approaches and the requirements to the assessment of the quality of the educational services.



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