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2018 | 14 | 167-191

Article title

Paradne czy codzienne. Rozwój konstrukcyjny i stylistyczny obuwia skórzanego we wczesnym średniowieczu z perspektywy źródeł archeologicznych


Title variants

Ceremonial or everyday. Structural and stylistic development of leather footwear in the early Middle Ages from the perspective of archaeological sources

Languages of publication



Forms of leather footwear shaped in the early Middle Ages were being developed over the course of the next centuries. It was related to the development of tanning technologies and manufacturing techniques. It also resulted from the need to adjust the footwear to a ceremonial dress, emphasizing the user’s prestige. The large amount and diversity of archaeological sources provide information revealing the process of transforming footwear into an important element of dress.






Physical description




  • Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie
  • Instytut Archeologii i Enologii PAN


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