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2016 | 54 | 104-109

Article title

Wykorzystanie smartfona do inwentaryzacji tras rowerowych na terenie Sudetów Zachodnich


Title variants

The use of smartphones with a GPS transmitter to inventory cycling routes in the Western Sudeten

Languages of publication



Background. The first smartphones appeared in the late 1990s, and recently their popularity has significantly increased. The number of holders of these mobile devices continues to grow, and thus there are more possibilities to utilise smartphones in everyday life. With the usage of a built-in GPS and appropriate applications, it is possible to employ smartphones in field work. The aim of the paper is to present a new method of inventorying cycle routes. Material and methods. In particular, the authors tried to inventory a cycling route in the area of Szklarska Poręba and Michałowice with the use of a mobile Android application called Runkeeper. The newly acquired field data were confronted with the geographic data portal Geocontext. Results and conclusions. It turned out that the smartphone type mobile device perfectly suited to inventorying cycling routes. In addition, it was possible to obtain accurate data referring to the lay of the land.






Physical description




  • Uniwersytet Szczeciński
  • Uniwersytet Szczeciński


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Publication order reference


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