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2020 | 2(99) | 163-176

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Recently, people are more aware of the horrible consequences of environmental threats. Therefore, surviving in an increasingly dangerous environment has become a priority. One can it explore in various aspects, among others from the point of view of faith, believing and mistrust. This is what environmental philosophers should deal with. In the article, the author, the founder of social sozophilosophy, presents his reflections on the role of faith in saving the environment from a rapidly progressing destroying, which, if not be stopped or at least limited, will inevitably lead to the collapse of the human species. Degradation of the environment is not the only cause of the end of humanity. There are several other causes: world war, the use of weapons of mass destruction, collisions with celestial bodies, pandemics, lack of drinking water, global warming etc. The author understands faith in a broad sense2 - in religious dimension as faith in God as well as in the secular dimension as trust in people. In faith, he sees one of the important factors, which could help to the survival of humanity in the conditions of unrestrained degradation of the natural, social and spiritual environment, powered by the system of "inhuman capitalism". (Francis 2017) This system has lead to the depreciation of faith and mutual trusting. He sees a possible way out of this terrible situation in the development of re-evaluation of religious faith, the restitution of mutual trust and the implementation of the sozology of faith. Finding a way to stop further degradation of environment and thus to ensure the survival of our species has become an urgent challenge for the present and the next generation. One says they are to be the last ones that can yet effectively act to protect the environment and extend human existence on Earth. Otherwise, irresponsible and unsustainable development of knowledge, technology and economy will accelerate the decline of the humankind. In the introduction, the role of faith in the life and functioning of individuals and communities is indicated. The first chapter contains comments on the concept of faith and the change of its manifestations because of biological and social co-evolution. The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the state of the environment, mainly social and spiritual, because ecologists are much more interested in the state of the natural environment. The third chapter concerns the ecology of faith and the sozology of faith. The author justifies the need to undertake more intensive research and activities to protect faith in the religious and secular dimension. Above all, he calls upon religious economic and political decision-makers to be guided by religious and church dictates in making their decisions concerned the environment. In the final reflection, he emphasizes the importance of faith and its potential in preventing violations of the social order and spoiling the homeostasis of social mechanisms. The point is to stop the development of a civilization of hypocrisy, lies and distrust. Religious faith must be appreciated and confidence in other people and institutions restored as they help people survive in times of environmental disasters, armed conflicts, economic crises, neoslavery and pandemics.





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