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2013 | 25 | 47- 68

Article title

Ciało jako pułapka na drodze do wyzwolenia.zarys problemu w kontekście refleksji niektórych myślicieli antycznychi wczesnochrześcijańskich



Title variants

Body as a Trap on theWay to Liberation. An Outline of the Problem in the Context of the Reflections of Some Ancient Philosophers and Early Christian Thinkers

Languages of publication



In this article the author attempts to show what can be described as a life of ideas in culture. The starting point for the discussion is the idea of the body as the prison of the soul, which came into philosophical discourse by Orphism, then Pythagoreanism. In this way the Greek philosophy shaped the paradigm according to which the spiritual is superior to that which is bodily; that it is the primary purpose of man to care about his spirituality, as only spirituality can contribute to the liberation of the human being. This idea was taken over by Plato, and after a few centuries it was transplanted into the ground of Christian theology. Then it underwent a kind of religious transformation, mainly due to St. Paul, Origen and St. Augustine and became for many centuries an important theological and pedagogical directive to cherish the soul at the expense of the body, because only your heart is the gateway to eternal life.


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Publication order reference


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