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2005 | 5 | 147-164

Article title

The Church Organization in Macedonia and the Canonization of the Slavic Saints

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The early Slavic Christian community was tending to its own cultural self-assertion throught the forms of establishing cult to saints, which, by their work are related to the Slavic religious and educational mission. This saint cult forms was in close relation with church organization in Macedonia in 9th c. and after that. The establishment of the Clement's school, represented a beginning of a great cultural movement among the Macedonian Slavs, while by establishment of a Velicko-Dremvicka Eparchy headed by St. Clement, a bishop turned up and served in Slavic for the first time among the Macedonian Slavs. That is one of the reason why the foundations of the later Ohrid Archbishopric are still to be found in the Eparchy od St. Clement. The theory that the origin of the Archbishopric is connected with the Bulgarian (Drstar) Patriarchy has not got any scientific base. Also, it is hard to accept the theory that the Ohrid Archbishopric is a prolongation of the Archbishopric of Justinian Prima. The church was indenpendent in the Samoil's state and it's competence coincided with the state borders. In the process of acquisition of the Slavic cults, this article places the accent on the oldest slavic 'sinacsar', one in the Aseman's Gospel, which represents the choice of general holidays in the Ohrid Patriarchate. St. Cyril, St. Methodius and St. Clement are Slavic saints whose names are included for the first time in this 'sinacsar', but the name of St. Naum is not included. The Ohrid tradition drew not only on the cult of the first Slavic educators and their pupils for the purpose, but also on memories of the early Christian missionaries and martyrs connected with the Macedonia region. This included the cult of St. Erazmo and the Martyrs of Tiberiopolis, which received particular attenttion in the literature and life of the Apostle Andrew. Following the review, regarding the topic of canonization the Slavic saints at the Ohrid Church and wider ortodox region, a conclusion is drawn, that the original literary work in our region of the medieval period is mostly connected to the cult celebration of those martyrs, therefore in the later period revives the ascetic ideal as well as the celebration of martyr deed as a supreme debt to the religion.








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  • M. Yakimovska-Toshik, Institute of Macedoniam Literature, University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Skopie, Macedonia


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