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2014 | 16 - Konteksty bezpieczeństwa w Afryce. Problemy globalne, sektorowe, regionalne, lokalne | 329-346

Article title

Problem pokoju w Afryce w adhortacjach apostolskich ECCLESIA IN AFRICA i AFRICAE MUNUS



Title variants

The question of peace in Africa in apostolic exhortations ECCLESIA IN AFRICA and AFRICAE MUNUS

Languages of publication



Peace clearly goes beyond the absence of war or violence. The Bible confirms a multifaceted understanding of the peace. There, it refers to the temporal order and the supernatural, the material and spiritual, to the relationship between human beings and their relationship to God. Social teaching of the Church is inspired by the biblical texts. It is symptomatic that in the social encyclicals, which is associated with Catholic social teaching, do not take up the subject of Africa. For this reason two Special Assemblies for Africa of the Synod of Bishops (1994, 2009) and their results – exhortations Ecclesia in Africa and Africae munus – should be considered as valuable and useful events. There is an interesting departure from the use of European concepts for African, especially the Church as Family of God, which is central to both exhortations. An evangelizing mission of the Church is the central topic of John Paul’s II exhortation and the issue of peace is one of the many questions raised in it. The peace is the main theme in Benedict’s XVI exhortation Africae munus. In both texts the concept of peace appears together with another term which is important for the social teaching of the Church, that of justice. Both documents draw attention to the need for activation of lay people who take action to remedy the misfortunes of the African continent. Meetings of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar and the Confederation of Conferences of Major Superiors of Africa and Madagascar strengthen an ecclesiastical and social unity of Africa.


  • Wydział Nauk Społeczenych Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego


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