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2018 | nr 3 | 69--80

Article title

Dynamism, hostility and complexity of the organisation's environment. Empirical verification of the construct



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There is no set of constructs or measurement tools in the subject literature that would be widely accepted. In this paper three dimensions of the organisation’s environment namely dynamism, hostility, and complexity, were reviewed. These dimensions are common to most environment research but, especially on the native background, only a few researchers have attempted to synthesize these dimensions in the one research approach. The aim of the paper is synthesis of three dimensions of the organisation’s environment and an empirical verification of whether the existing business practice dimensions of the organisation’s environment correspond to the dimensions laid down and proposed on the theoretical level. In the paper, three dimensions of the organisation’s environment - dynamism, hostility, and complexity were characterised, a research tool developed for measuring them was presented. The approach uses data from a sample of fifty-three new technology-based firms in Poland. Factor analysis was used to explore the viability of these environmental dimensions. The results of the conducted research indicate that the organisation’s environment is a multidimensional construct and could be described by dynamism, hostility and complexity.





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Bibliogr. 50 poz.


  • Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice


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