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2006 | 2 | 2-3 | 103-112

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Music performance anxiety: New insights from young musicians

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Music performance anxiety (MPA) is a relatively neglected psychological phenomenon that rarely appears in mainstream psychological journals or textbooks. To date, this field of inquiry has focused primarily on professional and amateur adult musicians or college level music students. With the exception of a small number of recent additions to the literature, there have been few studies examining the experience of MPA in younger musicians. In this paper, we review our work on MPA in general, and summarize our recent work with young musicians. We argue that the experience of MPA may begin early in a musical career and that the characteristics of this experience are qualitatively similar to those experienced by adult musicians. There are therefore compelling reasons to address MPA early and to take a strong preventive focus on a condition that to date shows persistence over time and only modest response to available treatments.








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  • Australian Centre for Applied Research in Music Performance, Conservatorium of Music, The University of Sydney
  • Australian Centre for Applied Research in Music Performance, Conservatorium of Music, The University of Sydney


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