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2013 | 2 | 153-160

Article title

Informationelle Prozesse in der (fremd-)sprachlichen Kommunikation (Ausgewählte Fragen)


Title variants

Informational Processes in (Foreign-)Language Communication (Selected Issues)

Languages of publication



Every transference of (foreign-)language information in the cybernetic sense is always closely linked with linguistic and extra-linguistic steering. The results of the effects of steering that take place in the receiver can be detected on the basis of the reverse-coupling structure, when the secondary sender transmits reproductive or productive information to the secondary receiver. The secondary receiver tests and possibly improves the correctness of the individual grammatical structures transmitted. The repeated coding and the repeated transference of the same or improved information, and the steering of that information, constitutes the substance of regulation. Both processes—steering and regulation—are brought under the same general term and are called control. Effective informational processes occur in foreign language communication simultaneously with their control. Correcting their results is carried out by means of regulation, further referred to as the steering, in which all processes are involved. In the scope of foreign language learning processes, where specific types of communication take place, the full decoding of the received information signals and the emergence of structure matrices in the storage mechanism are also discussed. At this point, it seems essential to point out a still unsolved problem of science: how does the memory assign the incoming speech signals to their substantive contents of consciousness (semantic structures). The higher powers of the human information processing system are certainly involved in this process.






Physical description




  • Universität Gdańsk


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