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2016 | 1 | 1-14

Article title

Методы Стимулирования Развития И Реализации Потенциала Нетрадиционной Возобновляемой Энергетики Украины



Title variants

Methods To Promote The Development And Implementation Of Potential Of The Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources In Ukraine

Languages of publication



Nowadays, alternative energy is being formed as a competitive and attractive sector for investment. The analysis has showed that: 1. Non-traditional renewable energy in Ukraine is not used to its full potential. This is related to certain technical and economical problems. Technical problems include issues concerning the stabilization of frequency and preservation of stability for electronic networks during power fluctuations in power plants which use non-traditional renewable energy sources. Economical problems include additional expenses on energetic systems, joined by facilities related to the preservation of stability and reliability of their work. Today, the development of placement and operation development for renewable energy assumes priority in the allocation of funding, defining perspective directions of development for renewable energy sources and defining the level of involvement in energy balance. It should be noted that it is appropriate to adopt a state program of development of renewable energy sources on the level of investment projects for basic local administrations. 2. Indicators “Potential energy savings” and “Realization of potential of renewable energy sources” provide an opportunity to assess the energy savings component in the national economy and calculate the realization of the potential for renewable energy sources in the long term. This calculation should be the basis of local planning and investment of facilities and systems of renewable energy sources. 3. Development of technologies based on non-conventional renewable energy sources, should be implemented, relying on government support and measures for administrative and economic stimulation. Namely, on the tax arrangements (tax holidays, reduced taxation for installations of alternative energy sources at the level of their construction and the initial period of use, at the level of permission for implementation of local tariffs for such facilities of energy generation, etc.), on the mechanisms of indirect stimulation (through the provision of preferences to land allocations for construction of such facilities, through simplified administrative procedures for project, construction and operational cycles, through the creation of positive image for companies that implement renewable energy projects).







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