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2014 | 186 cz 2 | 131-143

Article title

Analiza wybranych kredytowych instrumentów pochodnych w aspekcie wzrostu gospodarczego



Title variants

The Analysis of the Innovative Derivatives in Terms of Economic Growth

Languages of publication



Over the past few years the global economy has experienced a series of negative events, which turned out to be a consequence of the financial crisis. The crisis left mark in the global economy and led to instability and a reduction of the basic economic indicators. Consequently, several Member States have experienced an economic downturn, in which the primary source of the problem is "excessively developed" financial market, and specifically the derivatives market. The most growing segment of the financial market in the modern economy is derivatives market. This is due to the fact that these instruments offer many possibilities of their use. Research issues, will therefore hover around the market of innovative derivatives, whose natural goal is to strive for expansion. The study attempts to determine how derivatives affect the factors of economic growth and to analyze the relationship between the magnitude of increase in innovative derivatives market and economic growth.





Physical description




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