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2013 | 2 | 4 | 274-288

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Poland more than 10 years later than the other European Union (EU) states acted towards informatizaton of public administration, thanks to which it was possible to share public services with individuals and companies by electronic means. This arti-cle will analyze the assessment of our country in the aspect of full online availability and maturity of 20 public services in all editions of the study entitled eGovernment Benchmark Measurement. It’s a comparative study, in which Poland appeared as a new member of EU in 2004. In the period from 2008 to the 2010, Poland has made a significant progress in most indicators of information society (SPI). However, in 2013 our country is still closer to the end than to the middle of the chain of e-government effectiveness in the EU.








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  • University of Lodz, Faculty of Management, Department of Computer Science
  • University of Lodz, Faculty of Management, Department of Computer Science


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