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2016 | 63 | 1: Praca socjalna - English Version | 183-192

Article title

Sharing psychological tests with non-psychologists – ethical and professional aspects

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The problem of sharing psychological tests with non-psychologists concerns the sharing of chosen psychological tools with people without full psychological education. An analysis of the principles of sharing psychological tests was attempted. The Workgroup of Psychological Tests of The Polish Psychological Association (Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychologicznego) makes psychological tools available in 4 categories, each of which includes various psychological tests. The issues of concern are the platform “Epsilon,” which has been recently introduced by The Workgroup of Psychological Tests, a training program, which is supposed to endorse the basics of psychometrics, or the possibility to access psychological tests from the category “for psychologists only,” given to people with a “doctor of psychology” degree. It is necessary to discuss the subject of the use of psychological tests by people without adequate psychological education. Easy access to the tests by non-psychologists can be harmful to the prestige of the psychological profession.


  • psychology student at the Institute of Psychology of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow


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