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1989 | 2 | 128-140

Article title

Gmina i cmentarz żydowski w Szydłowcu



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The subject of the article is the history of the Jew ish community and the Jew ish cemetery in Szydłowiec, together with observations made during the inventory work carried out on the gravestones. According to historical documents, the first settlements of Jew s in Szydłowiec date back to the second half of the 17th century. Towards the end of the 17th and at the beginning of the 18th century the Jew ish population already constituted a considerable national group that played a significant role in the town's economy. Jewish settlements were concentrated around the new market square set up in the northern part of town. The new district was named Skałka, Rynek Skałeczny and later the Jew ish City. Growth of the Jew ish population and its participation in the economy led to the issuing of privileges that regulated their position in the town: by Leon Michał Radziwiłł on September 5, 1 741, and Mikołaj Radziwiłł on Ju ly 28, 1788. The documents defined the situation of the Jewish population until the year 1862. In that year there was an equalization of rights of the Jewish population with those of the Polish population. In 1860 Jew s constituted 74.5% of the town's population and in 1921 —- 77,1%. The Second World War put an end to the existence of the Jewish community in Szydłowiec. In the community of the Jew s , alongside the generally wooden houses there were also buildings utilized by all the inhabitants such as the synagogue, the school and the cemetery). The first Jew ish cemetery was located on the border of the Jewish town by virtue of the 1788 privilege. It consisted of 2 rectangles. Apart from this, the community made use of the cholera cemetery situated at a large distance from the town. In the period between the wars the cemetery's surface area was increased. It was made up of 3 plots of land. The first included the area from before 1811, the second was purchased in 1811 and the third constituted a new piece of land. In 1938 the area of the old and new cemetery was cut through by the Kielce- -Warsaw route. After the Second World War the first and second plots were assigned for building purposes. The gravestones were transferred to the land of the present cemetery. They were placed tightly close to each other, in several rows. The author believes the number of preserved gravestones comes tto 3100 They are from the years 1831-1942. Most of them are the traditional gravestones. The area of today's cemetery, whose shape is similar to a rectangle, has been enclosed by a stone wall and a fence. Through the middle of the cemetery iruns a lane at whose and stands a monument dedicated to the memory of Jew s murdered and killed during the Second Wcorld War.






Physical description






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