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2016 | 1 | 1-12

Article title

Adaptation Of International Environmental Policy To The National Environmental Policy Of Ukraine Composition, Path Criteria


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In the article considered conditions substantiation of criteria database: immutability legal procedures, the development of legislative support for the implementation of international environmental policy is towards the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, the advantage of economic instruments implementation of international environmental policy given incentive and motivating methods, criteria should be formalized and subject monitoring the effectiveness of their performance criteria justified solely for the purposes of international environmental policy, that is, taking into account the specifics of this activity, in other words, the criteria for the claims of uniqueness and commensuration. The international mechanism to implement environmental policy is one of the key elements and components of international environmental policy, in particular, it relies on the solution of international controversies and improving procedures for the implementation of environmental policies at the international level through the institutions and agreements, through monitoring and elements of economic mechanism oriented issues, such as considering multiple stakeholders interstate level or at the level of competence of state bodies or non-governmental or multinational businesses.







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