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2015 | 2 (6) | 40-54

Article title

Rozwój klastra od inicjatywy do fazy wzrostu na przykładzie klastra SIDE-CLUSTER



Title variants

Cluster development from the initiative to the phase of growth on the example of the cluster of SIDE-CLUSTER

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The aim of this article is to present a case study of the creation and development of the construction of wood cluster − “SIDE-CLUSTER” located in Lower Silesia. The following considerations present a bottom-up process of cluster formation, its’ evolution and the role of the cluster for the regional and sectoral development. The researcher’s goal is to identify the key factors determining cluster development, to show the stages of its growth, the role of both the external environment in the process of incubation and the growth of the cluster and endogenous factors, i.e. thelevel of trust within the cluster. The considerations are based on an analysis of the literature and analysis of empirical research. The article contains a cluster definition, a description of the stages of development and the characteristics of the cluster of SIDE-CLUSTER from the phase of cluster initiative to its form nowadays – the 6-year-old cluster. The author proves that the cluster of SIDE-CLUSTER is a dynamic organization actively operating in the Lower Silesia.





Physical description



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