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2013 | 174 | 199-212

Article title

BondSpot SA jako platforma obrotu derywatami kredytowymi



Title variants

BondSpot AS a Platform for Trading Credit Derivatives

Languages of publication



The uncertainty in global economy, enforce the need for more effective management of credit risk. One of the aspects of this management is the use of credit derivatives. Although these instruments have been used for a long time, still are regarded as innovative instruments. In addition, these transactions in Poland still remains outside the regulated market. This causes danger of transforming them in tools that can be toxic and harmful for the Polish financial system. The aim of this study is the attempt to discuss the introduction of innovative financial instruments to over-the-counter-market (OTC). The author asks a question about the possibility of introducing credit derivatives on the regulated market, both in terms of legal aspect and potential of these instruments in the management of the credit risk. The study also presents balance between opportunities and risks of concentration on the regulated market. The study raises the hypothesis, that the introduction of credit derivatives to the organized market increase the potential of the Polish capital market, its innovation and popularity of which Warsaw could become financial center of Central and Eastern Europe.






Physical description




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Document Type

Publication order reference



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