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2013 | 2(62) | 62-78

Article title

Spór o edukację w świetle austriackiej teorii ekonomii


Title variants

Dispute on Education in the Context of the Austrian Theory of Economics

Languages of publication



The paper is devoted to the role and importance of education in an economy and the question of controlling the process of education by the state and market. The problems are discussed in the light of the Austrian school of economics. The author also attempts to assess the steps taken by the Polish state in the field of education and to explain the consequences of these steps, especially the paradox of simultaneous occurrence of over-education, poor educational activity among adults, skill gaps and skill shortages in certain occupations. The author points out the relationship between the individual dimension of education and the economy, identifies the creation of human capital in the educational process, indicates barriers to the implementation of the individual dimension of education in the Polish educational system, and proposes ways to overcome these barriers.






Physical description


  • Dr Paweł Drobny – Katedra Mikroekonomii, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie


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