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2020 | 4 | 125-149

Article title

Social and Economic Aspects of Educational Activity of Elderly People in Poland and Spain – A Comparative Study

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The major research problem is the comparative study of circumstances of elderly people’s educational activity in Poland and Spain. The object of the research is to pay attention to the issues regarding to educational needs, opportunities for education and developing the cognitive processes in elderly people as well as the methods of organisation of institutions involved into this area of activity. The objective of this article is to at least attempt to present institutional measures offered by the said countries relating to this age group, especially with regard to the support of their cognitive development and the idea of lifelong learning. One of the article’s elements is showing the good practice regarding to these problems, which are well worth being paid attention to and being established in the Polish educational practice toward elderly people.






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  • University of Kazimierz Wielki in Bydgoszcz
  • Hipolit Cegielski State University of Applied Sciences in Gniezno


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